Gear and Belt drive

Maintenance of belt drives

Maintenance of belt drives

Belts require attention in time, to prevent unnecessary wear and tear. The most common complaint is belt squeal, usually due to insufficient belt tension.
Use of a wider belt  may be considered only when  the width of the pulley allows this. Thickness of belt may be limited by the complexity, i.e. if wound over more than 2 pulleys.
The crown tapper is important and should not be excessive, as it wears out the belt in way of taper.
Belt tension need to be regularly checked and adjusted, since the belt tends to stretch in use and this will change.
Another common fault  is the case where the belt runs off the pulley, which is due to misalignet of the pulleys.
Check the side of the belt for straightness or the pulley crown which could also be the cause.
If the belt flaps or whips, this could be a sign that the belt is either slack, or is too thin / too narrow.
If none of these, then support the shaft bearing, or motor needs bracing. Look for lopsided pulley, crooked shaft or too much/  too little slack.
Check the ply of the belt for signs of damage. Check whether the belt is too tight, even with full slackening of the pulleys. Sometimes the pulley diameters are unsuitable for the distance between them.
Belts sometimes run crooked, which is damaging to the belt. This could be because of a high pully crown or  when belts are forced over the pulley unevenly. Check pulleys for proper alignment.,
Belts often run to one side of a pulley, especially if there is excessive slack. If load is too much, this could also cause this condition.
If the belt weaves back and forth across pulleys, this is a sign of wobbling, usually due to bearings being slack.
High spots on the pulley can cause the belt to run crooked. This further increases belt wear, and can be taken care of by dressing up the pulley to remove all irregglarities.
To prevent belt slippage and squealing, clean the belt with a commercial solvent, prevent any oil from finding its way onto the belt, and remove any deposits on the belt.
