
 Welcome to Class 2 MEO EXAMS..

MEO Class-2 examination in India is conducted by DG shipping through various MMDs. On completion of the part-B examinations of all four functions, a management level COC is issued to the candidate. The candidate is now not only technically sound, but also having management skills. At second class level of marine engineering, candidates will continue their studies in pumps and pumping systems, water makers, air compressors, separators etc. An introduction into the operation, maintenance and construction of various machines will be given. For medium and high speed diesels engines, emphasis will be placed on the construction of the engine structures, lubrication, coolant, injection, and scavenging. As per my personal experience, Marine engineering involves mechanical engineering as a major part, but in addition electrical, electronic, physical and chemical knowledge is required. In addition to the above they should be having knowledge of various maritime laws including environmental laws. To begin their journey of exam preparation, the candidates can go though the articles given below....
