Q1. With reference to a particular make of main propulsion unit, describe how the engine is reversed manually
and discuss the problems involved and the safety precautions which would be required if the control were
operated remote from the machinery space.
Q2. How explosion occurs in the starting air line of an internal combustion engine and how can the possibility of
such an occurrence be reduced? Sketch and describe devices, which may be fitted to reduce the severity of such
an explosion. State the attention which air starting valves should be given before stand by.
Q3.As second engineer you have been requested to obtain a set of indicator card (diagram) from the large slow speed engine of a recently purchased second hand ship.
A. Describe your initial checks and preparations;
B. State with reason the types of card you would consider necessary and explain the procedure for obtaining these;
C. State in order of importance the additional information required with the card; D. State your procedure for analysis of the cards and obtaining cylinder powers.
Q4. Make a diagrammatic sketch of an engine cooling water system as applied to a medium speed diesel engine
as fitted on a fishing vessel. Indicate the temperature and pressures. Describe the flow of water from entry to the
engine to out let from the engine.
Q5. Sketch and describe a system of control for manoeuvring a main diesel engine from the bridge and show how
local control may be effected in case of breakdown of the system.
Q6. With reference to Turbo-Chargers;
A. Explain why when surging occurs, the speed off the turbocharger is seen to change slightly;
B. Give examples of defects likely to result in surging;
C. Explain in simple terms what occurs in a turbocharger and the diesel engine as the speed / power increases.
Based on the explanation what is meant by matching of T/C with an engine?
D. State the advantage of fitting uncooled turbochargers.
Q7. A. Explain the term Variable Injection Timing (VIT) when applied to fuel pumps and state why a change in
timing of fuel injection may be required.;
B. Describe, with the aid of sketches a VIT fuel pump and explain how the change in trimming is achieved whilst
the pump is in operation
C. Explain how it may be determined that individual fuel pumps are injecting the correct quantity of fuel with the
correct timing at a particular pump setting.
Q8. (a) Describe, with the aid of a sketch, the main engine auxiliary equipment for automatic monitoring and
regulation of the fuel viscosity.
(b) Explain the operation of the system, which incorporates the equipment described in Q.8(a).
(c) For an engine which is maneuvered on distillate fuel but operated on heavy residual oil at sea, static, as second
engineer, the standing orders you would issue for the procedure to be adopted when changing form distillate fuel to
heavy residual oil and vice versa.
Q9. With reference to crankshafts, explain EACH of the following:
A. The cause and effects of torsional vibration;
B. The term critical speed indicating why it can be a problem;
C. The term fatigue cracking and state, with reasons, TWO factors of crankshaft operation which have greatest influence on the likelihood of fatigue cracking.
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