Q1. With the aid of a simple sketch, explain the “trouble spots” in a basic air-conditioning unit with reference to your sketch, explain the following: - i. How the problem of the increase in humidity of cooled air is overcome?
ii. How discomfort caused by the excessive drying effect of heated air is overcome?;
Q2. Under Continuous survey of machinery (CSM) bottom end bearing of a large 2stroke slow speed engine is due for the survey; A. As 2nd engineer, explain the procedure involved in the complete inspection of a bottom end bearing; B. List the precaution to be taken; C. Indicate the reasons for possible defects which could be encountered and state how they may be rectified; D. What tests are carried out on completion of survey and re-assembly.
Q3. Briefly describe your action plan on the following exigencies: A. Leaky economizer tube, while at sea; B. Leaky intercooler of main air compressor, while manoeuvring.
Q4. A. As a second engineer, how often would you check holding-down bolts to ascertain that they are tight? What methods are used to check tightness? B. If soon after joining a motor ship, you found a number of holding down bolts slack and fretting to have occurred in the area of slack bolts describe how you would handle the situation?
Q5. Accidents regularly occur due to premature or accidental release of CO2 into machinery spaces With reference to this enumerate the procedure or arrangement that you as 2nd engineer would adopt with respect to the following A. Contractors working on CO2 system; B. Understanding between the bridge and engine room in the event of a machinery space fire; C. Familiarizing staff with the system; D. Checks and tests are carried out before putting the system in operation?
Q6. With respect to the operation of a two-stage reciprocating air compressor. Explain A. The causes of the occasional lifting of the 2nd stage relief valve. B. Breakage of valve plates. C. Puncture of bursting disc of 1st stage intercooler. D. Noticeable reduction in the capacity of the compressors over a period of time.
Q7. With reference to the large two-stroke engine: (a) explain how abnormal and excessive cylinder liner wear is caused, state how it can be detected; (b) explain the effects and consequences of excessive cylinder liner wear; (c) explain how abnormal cylinder linear wear may be prevented.
Q8. As a second engineer, list out all the potential hazards with regard to hot work on a fuel oil heater located inside a bunker oil fuel tank. Explain how do you carry out a risk assessment for above mentioned hot work. What control measures do you employ so that residual risk shall be reduced as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).
Q9. Severe engine vibration has recently become evident when the main engine for which you are responsible operates within a certain speed range – A. State, with reasons, the possible causes of such vibration; B. State the consequences of operating the engine under such vibratory conditions; C. Describe the procedure you, as Second Engineer, would implement in order to investigate and rectify the problem.
Q2. Under Continuous survey of machinery (CSM) bottom end bearing of a large 2stroke slow speed engine is due for the survey; A. As 2nd engineer, explain the procedure involved in the complete inspection of a bottom end bearing; B. List the precaution to be taken; C. Indicate the reasons for possible defects which could be encountered and state how they may be rectified; D. What tests are carried out on completion of survey and re-assembly.
Q3. Briefly describe your action plan on the following exigencies: A. Leaky economizer tube, while at sea; B. Leaky intercooler of main air compressor, while manoeuvring.
Q4. A. As a second engineer, how often would you check holding-down bolts to ascertain that they are tight? What methods are used to check tightness? B. If soon after joining a motor ship, you found a number of holding down bolts slack and fretting to have occurred in the area of slack bolts describe how you would handle the situation?
Q5. Accidents regularly occur due to premature or accidental release of CO2 into machinery spaces With reference to this enumerate the procedure or arrangement that you as 2nd engineer would adopt with respect to the following A. Contractors working on CO2 system; B. Understanding between the bridge and engine room in the event of a machinery space fire; C. Familiarizing staff with the system; D. Checks and tests are carried out before putting the system in operation?
Q6. With respect to the operation of a two-stage reciprocating air compressor. Explain A. The causes of the occasional lifting of the 2nd stage relief valve. B. Breakage of valve plates. C. Puncture of bursting disc of 1st stage intercooler. D. Noticeable reduction in the capacity of the compressors over a period of time.
Q7. With reference to the large two-stroke engine: (a) explain how abnormal and excessive cylinder liner wear is caused, state how it can be detected; (b) explain the effects and consequences of excessive cylinder liner wear; (c) explain how abnormal cylinder linear wear may be prevented.
Q8. As a second engineer, list out all the potential hazards with regard to hot work on a fuel oil heater located inside a bunker oil fuel tank. Explain how do you carry out a risk assessment for above mentioned hot work. What control measures do you employ so that residual risk shall be reduced as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).
Q9. Severe engine vibration has recently become evident when the main engine for which you are responsible operates within a certain speed range – A. State, with reasons, the possible causes of such vibration; B. State the consequences of operating the engine under such vibratory conditions; C. Describe the procedure you, as Second Engineer, would implement in order to investigate and rectify the problem.
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