Q1. Explain in detail a fixed gas fire extinguisher system, indicating the quantity of the fire- extinguishing medium, the controls required for the system, installation requirements and training required to bring the system to be readily operated.
Q3. Name various statutory Certificates and Documents to be carried on board Crude Oil Tankers giving a reference to the conventions and justify for their requirement.
Q5. With reference to a periodically unattended machinery space of a dry cargo vessel discuss the requirements for. A. Protection against flooding. B. Control of propulsion machinery from the navigating bridge.
Q6. With reference to activated fin stabilizers give reasons why:(a) For large vessels such units are preferred to passive tanks;
Q7. Explain the principle of port State control and give in detail the verification the State control Officer may carry out with particular reference to the following: A. Emergency generator; B. Main switchboard; C. Lifeboat; D. Oily water separator; E. Navigational lighting.
Q8. You have to instruct a newly joined fifth engineer to bring 5 liters of Carbon- remover from 200 litre drum. Explain him: a) Precautions to be taken while handling. b) Measures to be taken if:i) Chemical contacts his skin. ii) Chemical contacts his eyes.
Q9. Write reference to gravity life boat davits; state the purpose of the following:A. Centrifugal brake, B. Dead man’s handle; C. Davit limit switch.
Q2. A. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of an inert gas smothering system from flue compared to an inert gas generator;
B. Explain why inert gas generator is more advantageous. C. Why it is unsuitable for use in machinery spaces.
Q3. Name various statutory Certificates and Documents to be carried on board Crude Oil Tankers giving a reference to the conventions and justify for their requirement.
Q4. With reference to the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006, discuss the requirements for seafarers regarding .A. Seafarer employment agreements B. Repatriation. C. Seafarers Wages.
Q5. With reference to a periodically unattended machinery space of a dry cargo vessel discuss the requirements for. A. Protection against flooding. B. Control of propulsion machinery from the navigating bridge.
Q6. With reference to activated fin stabilizers give reasons why:(a) For large vessels such units are preferred to passive tanks;
(b) These units are preferred for passenger and fast cargo ships;
(c) Partial rather than maximum damping of ship movement in heavy weather is advisable for reasons other than overstressing of fin stocks and activating gear.
Q7. Explain the principle of port State control and give in detail the verification the State control Officer may carry out with particular reference to the following: A. Emergency generator; B. Main switchboard; C. Lifeboat; D. Oily water separator; E. Navigational lighting.
Q8. You have to instruct a newly joined fifth engineer to bring 5 liters of Carbon- remover from 200 litre drum. Explain him: a) Precautions to be taken while handling. b) Measures to be taken if:i) Chemical contacts his skin. ii) Chemical contacts his eyes.
Q9. Write reference to gravity life boat davits; state the purpose of the following:A. Centrifugal brake, B. Dead man’s handle; C. Davit limit switch.
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