Safety -100 Most Important Oral Questions For Quick Revision.
1. What are the conditions of assignment?
Ans:- These are conditions which must be met before freeboards are assigned to a ship and a Load line certificate is issued, which enables the load lines and mark to be graved in and painted on the side of the ship.
The conditions are concerned with water tight integrity of the hull and state requirements for the strength, height of coamings, closing arrangements of items such as super-structure and bulkheads, hatchways, machinery space openings, openings in freeboard & superstructure decks ventilators, air pipes, cargo ports, freeing ports, side scuttles, scuppers, inlet and discharges.
Also means provided for protection of crew.
Vessels are surveyed annually to ensure that they fulfill the conditions of assignment.
Conditions of Assignment need periodic inspection to ensure that the ships condition is such that those conditions of assignment are still being fulfilled.
Hatch-Covers, Cargo-ports, Watertight doors, scuttles, and other closing down appliances would get corroded, reduced resilience or damage of seals, locking arrangements might get damaged.
Coamings of hatches, ventilators, air pipes get corroded at weather deck level thereby reduction in strength.
Freeing ports or scuppers blocked or valves not working.
Gangways, Rails, bulwarks gets damaged or not secure.
Hence continuous maintenance, inspection & surveys ensure that they fulfill conditions of assignment.
2. What is Prismatic Coefficient ? Why it is important?
Ans:- It is the ratio of volume of displacement to the product of length and area of the immersed portion of the ship.
Prismatic coefficient has an important effect upon residuary resistance and optimum values. Low prismatic coefficients mean fine ends which can give problems in confining within the ship's lines bulky fittings, like diesel generators etc.
3. What Attained and Required EEDI? How to calculate?
Ans:- Regulation 20: Attained Energy efficiency design index (Attained EEDI).
Applies to New ship before delivery, New ship in service which as undergone a major conversion. New or existing ship which has under gone major conversion that is so extensive that the ship is regarded as new constructed ship.
The basic principle of EEDI formula is:
$\small EEDI=\frac{Carbon\: dioxide\: Emission}{Transport\: work} = gCO_{2}/Tonne.Knots\: Unit$
Regulation 21: Required EEDI. $\small Attained EEDI\leq Required\: EEDI =[1-\frac{x}{100}].Reference\: Line\: Value$
X= Reduction Factor in Table 1
Reference line value = $\small a.b^{-c}$
a, b, c values are given in Table 2 for ship types and DWT.
4. What is MOU?
Ans: It is a formal agreement between two or more parties to establish official partnership. It is not legally binding but they carry a degree of mutual respect?
European commission develop harmonized measure to inspect foreign ships after the measure oil spill caused by oil tanker 'Amoco Cadiz' in 1978. The agreement was concluded in 1982 which became known as the Paris MOU.
Each administration agreed to inspect 25% of foreign ships visiting its ports. Other important elements of this MOU are harmonized inspection procedure and centralized recording of all inspection results in a computer database.
A regional co-operation amongst countries like sharing of information and tracking ship movement and previous history would be highly beneficial in avoiding duplication of work.
In order to implement effective port state control of the following MOU have been signed between countries:
(i) The Paris MOU, 1982
(ii) The Tokyo MOU, 1993
(iii) USCG
(iv) The Latin American agreement, 1992
(v) The Caribbean MOU, 1996
(vi) Mediterranean sea MOU, 1997
(vii) The Indian Ocean MOU, 1998
(viii) The Black sea MOU, 2000
5. What are NLS?
Ans: Marpol Annex-II, Regulation 6:- Categorization and listing of Noxious Liquid Substances and other substances.
For the purpose of the regulations of this Annex, Noxious Liquid Substances shall be divided into four categories as follows:
Category X: Noxious Liquid Substances which, if discharged into the sea from tank cleaning or de-ballasting operations, are deemed to present a major hazard to either marine resources or human health and, therefore, justify the prohibition of the discharge into the marine environment;
eg: Butane, oligomers, coal tar etc.
Category Y: Noxious Liquid Substances which, if discharged into the sea from tank cleaning or de-ballasting operations, are deemed to present a hazard to either marine resources or human health or cause harm to amenities or other legitimate uses of the sea and therefore justify a limitation on the quality and quantity of the discharge into the marine environment;
eg: Phenol, sulfuric acid, chloroform, camphor oil, caustic soda, crude palm oil. n-paraffin, toluene, etc.
Category Z: Noxious Liquid Substances which, if discharged into the sea from tank cleaning or de-ballasting operations, are deemed to present a minor hazard to either marine resources or human health and therefore justify less stringent restrictions on the quality and quantity of the discharge into the marine environment;
eg: Acetone, Phosphoric acid, ethanol, butylene glycol, Acetic acid, etc.
Other Substances: substances indicated as OS (Other Substances) in the pollution category column of chapter 18 of the International Bulk Chemical Code which have been evaluated and found to fall outside Category X, Y or Z as defined in regulation 6.1 of this Annex because they are, at present, considered to present no harm to marine resources, human health, amenities or other legitimate uses of the sea when discharged into the sea from tank cleaning of de-ballasting operations. The discharge of bilge or ballast water or other residues or mixtures containing only substances referred to as "Other Substances" shall not be subject to any requirements of the Annex.
eg: Molasses, tallow etc.
6. Annexes in MARPOL?
Ans: Annex I: Regulation for the prevention of pollution by oil.
Annex II: Regulation for the control of pollution by noxious liquid substances.
Annex III: Regulation for the prevention of pollution by harmful substances carried by sea in packaged form.
Annex IV: Regulation for the Prevention of pollution by sewage from ships.
Annex V: Regulation for the Prevention of pollution by garbage from ships.
Annex VI: Regulation for the Prevention of air pollution from ships.
7. Margin Line and It's Significance?
Ans: It is an Imaginary line drawn parallel to the freeboard deck of a ship at the side not below 76mm below the above deck.
The margin line is a line defining the highest permissible location on the side of the vessel of any damage waterplane in the final condition of sinkage, trim and heel.
Regulations related to the stability uses the margin line.
8. Calculation for number of CO2 Bottles and periodic maintenance?
Ans: CO2 calculation for engine room.
Cylinder details:-
Material - manganese steel
CO2 Contain - 45.4 kg
Cyl. Capacity - 68 litres
Filling Ratio - 0.67
Empty Cyl weight - 80 kg
Safety disc bursting pressure - 190 bar @ 63 deg cel.
Storage pressure - 52 bar @ 15 deg cel.
Test pressure - 250 bar
volume of free CO2 = 0.56 cubic meter per kg.
E.R gross volume = X without casing 40%
E.R gross volume = Y with casing 35%
Volume of free air bottles = Z
Volume of maximum cargo hold = A
As per regulation No. of bottle:-
E/R without casing {(X+Z) x 0.40}/0.56 x 45.4
E/R with casing {(Y+Z) x 0.35}/0.56 x 45.4
largest cargo hold {A x 0.3}/0.56 x 45.4
*Casing:- Horizontal area 40% or less of midway horizontal area between Tank top and lower casing part.
Z can be omitted in air bottle relief valve bursting disc discharge goes outside protected space.
Maximum temperature of CO2 cylinder safe storage is 55 deg. C
Co2 system checks and maintenance:
(1) Weekly visual check - Door, hinge & lock, clamp connection, rust, dirt, manifold, position of valve, Nozzle, flexible hoses.
(2) Monthly Ensure:- Moving part are clean, pulley wire is free and lubricated, wire check for tightness, toggle and clam tightness.
(3) Yearly:- Check for damage, Rust, losses of mounting hard ware, Alarm check for control cabinet. weight - Beam scale, thermos tape, radioactive isotope. infra red camera. Procedure:- Confirm section valve ( master valve) closed. Install safety pin in cylinder valve. Remove the flexible pipe connection Loose the clamp Do the weight as per procedure Put back to normal
(4) 2-yearly:- Master valve to engine room, Alarm test line blow through, Freeness of master valve; CO2 cylinder operation test,
Procedure :- 1. Install safety pin all CO2 Cylinder. 2. Test the manual operation lever in the cylinder valve & pull down the lever. 3. Confirm the lever operate efficiently. 4. after test remove safety pin.
(5) 5- yearly:- 1. Internal inspection of safety valve, master valve 2. Relief valve test - On a bench test by pull up spring balanced
(6) 10 yearly:- 1. at least 10% bottle pr test- if 1 or more; than 50% further fails pr test all. 2. flexible hoses replace. 3. header line till CO2 master valve pr test.
(7) 15 years:- All the above test.
9. What are parametric and synchronous rolling? Actions?
Ans: Parametric rolling: This type of rolling is particularly noticed in large container ships because of their special design. Such ships require large length and breadth of the upper deck for loading substantial number of containers. They also require narrow streamlined hull design in the underwater part of the ship for attaining high speed. The flare of the ship at the bows and stern is considerably more than other ships of similar size. When such a ship experiences long waves from ahead or astern resulting in pitching motion, the crest of the wave will come under the midship part of the ship and the bows and stem will lie in the trough. This will cause a momentary reduction of the draft, underwater volume, water-plane area, moment of Inertia of the water-plane, KB, BM and finally the KM of the ship, thus reducing the GM of the ship for a short duration. In case the GM becomes negative during the above pitching motion, unstable equilibrium will cause an angle of loll. Once the wave passes under the ship, the original stabile equilibrium status will be restored and angle of loll will be eliminated. Thus the ship will start rolling along with pitching due to head or stem waves. This is called Parametric rolling.
Parametric rolling motion Parametric rolling motion or “auto parametrically excited motion" as it should be called and its associated dangers came into prominence with the advent of large container ships and the peculiarities of their design which allowed them have a larger deck area and a streamlined hull design for extra speed. E.g. these ships had a forward and aft flare exceeding 45° as opposed to 30° in older designs. This flare coupled with a flat aft shape resulted in considerable change of righting lever GZ with the draft of the vessel.
As a result when a large wave crest came amidships the troughs encountered narrow bow and sterns (Due to increased flare), and a resultant drop in KB and KM resulting in a temporary negative GM situation until the crest moved away from mid ships and moved to the bow and stern section. In this condition if the GM is plotted against the position of the crest as it moves down the bow an U shaped curve results wherein the GM can go below zero. With reduced or negative righting levers large roll angles up to 40 - 50° and extreme pitching may result with this condition of ship movement termed parametric rolling.
Parametric rolling is worse when the neutral rolling period of the ship ($T_{R}$ ) (Sec.) is approximately twice the Wave Encounter period ($T_{E}$ ) (Sec.), or equal to $T_{E}$ . $T_{E}$ can be measured as the time period of Pitching motion of the ship ($T_{P}$ ) using a stop-watch, or by the following formula:
$T_{P} = T_{E} =\frac{3\times T_{W}^{2}}{(3\times T_{w})+(V\times Cos\alpha )}$
$T_{W}$ --- Wave period (Sec.)
V --- Speed of ship (Knots)
α --- Angle between the ship, heading and wave direction.
From the above formula following conclusions can be drawn:
$T_{E}$ < $T_{W}$ because the head speed of the ship will bring each head wave faster to the ship. )
$T_{E}$ = $T_{W}$ when α = 90° i.e. the ship is experiencing beam waves. This could cause Synchronous rolling.
• The wave length in relation to the ships length is 1 - 2 times LBP.
• Vessel is on slow speed i.e. roll damping is low.
• The wave heading relative to the vessel has a large influence on parametric roll occurrence. Head seas make the ship prone to parametric rolling in the presence of other factors mentioned herein. Parametric rolling does not occur in beam seas.
Actions to be taken to mitigate Parametric rolling:
From the above formula it is seen that $T_{E}$ is inversely proportional to ship speed. Hence it should be adjusted such that $T_{E}$ < $T_{R}$ but 0.5 X $T_{R}$. By increasing speed there is a risk of increasing panting and pounding stresses on the bows of the ship, which could cause structural damage. $T_{E}$ is inversely proportional to Cosα. Hence, altering course so as to increase the angle between the direction of waves and ship, head, will reduce the possibility of loss of GM. Best action for the Master of the ship will be to adopt zig-zag courses so that the mean course being followed will ultimately take the ship to its destination even though the distance and time period of voyage will increase. Increasing or reducing speed could adversely affect Parametric rolling.
Synchronous rolling and actions to be taken to mitigate
Synchronous rolling motion (Resonant Rolling) Synchronous rolling or resonant rolling has been around for centuries and time tested methods are used to prevent the same from happening or to get out of it if it occurs.
Synchronous rolling occurs when the ships roll period $T_{R}$ resonating with the wave period $T_{P}$. When this occurs the heeling moment causes the ship to be heeled highly and in some circumstances be further heeled by wave action. These heel angles may take the ship into the angle of vanishing stability and cause the vessel to capsize. Synchronous rolling is more probable when the vessel is experiencing beam seas.
In order to prevent synchronous rolling:
• Monitor weather conditions through reports and routing services closely.
• Change course and or speed. The main point being to change the roll period of the vessel. A zig zag course may be considered.
• Alter the GM by ballast/ de-ballast. This will change the vessels natural All period, GM being a function of the All period $R_{o}$•
10. What is VOC, what are the provision for its emission? Regulations related to it?
Ans: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are organic chemical compounds that evaporate easily at room temperature.
As per Marpol Annex-VI Regulation 15 - Volatile organic compounds
(1) If the emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from tankers are to be regulated in ports or terminals under the jurisdiction of a Party to the Protocol of 1997, they shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions of this regulation.
(2) A Party to the Protocol of 1997 which designates ports or terminals under its jurisdiction in which VOCs emissions are to be regulated shall submit a notification to the Organization. This notification shall include information on the size of tankers to be controlled, on cargoes requiring vapour emission control systems, and the effective date of such control. The notification shall be submitted at least six months before the effective date.
(3) The Government of each Party to the Protocol of 1997 which designates ports or terminals at which VOCs emissions from tankers are to be regulated shall ensure that vapour emission control systems, approved by that Government taking into account the safety standards developed by the Organization, are provided in ports and terminals designated, and are operated safely and in a manner so as to avoid undue delay to the ship.
(4) The Organization shall circulate a list of the ports and terminals designated by the Parties to the Protocol of 1997 to other Parties to the Protocol of 1997 and Member States of the Organization for their information.
(5) All tankers which are subject to vapour emission control in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (2) of this regulation shall be provided with a vapour collection system approved by the Administration taking into account the safety standards developed by the Organization, and shall use such system during the loading of such cargoes. Terminals which have installed vapour emission control systems in accordance with this regulation may accept existing tankers which are not fitted with vapour collection systems for a period of three years after the effective date identified in paragraph (2).
(6) This regulation shall only apply to gas carriers when the type of loading and containment systems allow safe retention of non-methane VOCs on board, or their safe return ashore.
11. What is RO? What is their function and why are they formed?
Ans: Recognized Organization “RO”, an authorized organization that performs statutory requirements on behalf of a vessel’s flag state.
Classification societies or ROs are organizations which develop and apply technical standards for the design, construction and survey of ships and which carry out surveys and inspections on board ships. Flag states can authorize classification societies to act on their behalf to carry out statutory survey and certification work of their ships.
ROs are third party non-governmental, non-profit distributing independent bodies whose main function is to:
(i) Develop rules and standards for the design and construction of vessels.
(ii) Conduct survey during construction of vessel in order to verify that all rules and standard are complied with and to conduct regular survey during the vessels service period on order to monitor the standard of maintenance.
(iii) Assign class when rules and standards are upheld.
Although class has ho legal status, ship not certified as "In Class" by a reputable classification society would not be able to get insurance nor employment.
A vessel that has been designed and built to appropriate rules of society may apply for a certificate of classification from that society. The society issues this certificate upon completion of relevant classification surveys.
Classification society also maintain significant research departments that contribute towards the ongoing development of appropriate advanced technical standards.
12. Fixed CO2 System 10 yearly maintenance?
Ans: Ten-yearly maintenance/ inspections:
(a). High pressure cylinders should be subject to periodical tests at intervals not
exceeding 10 years. At the 10-year inspection, at least 10% of the total
number provided should be subjected to an internal inspection and
hydrostatic test. If one or more cylinders fail, a total of 50% of the onboard
cylinders should be tested. If further cylinders fail, all cylinders should be
(b). Hydrostatic testing for the fixed CO2 system shall be carried out at approved test
facilities. The test shall be witnessed and certificate endorsed by the Competent
Person and by a Surveyor of the Administration or
recognized RO as the case may be, if the facility is not approved.
(c) Test certificates, duly endorsed by the concerned surveyor must be provided
and kept on board for inspections. Test date and pressure must be stamped
on each bottle. This test shall not be carried out on board;
(d) For subsequent 10-year services, alternation of the inspected cylinders must
be carried out, i.e. different cylinders must be inspected from those done in the previous service, if 100% of them were not inspected during the previous
instance; and
(e) Ships of 10 years or older will be required to carry
this test at the next scheduled dry-docking.
(f). All Flexible hoses should be replaced at the intervals recommended by the
manufacturer and not exceeding every 10 years;
(g). All discharge pipe lines shall be tested to a pressure of a maximum working
pressure of the respective sections or as specified by the manufacturer,
whichever is higher.
13. Number of breaks in Life boat and their constructional details?
Ans: (i) The Main brake if fitted with two shoes, provided at one end and coupled at other with the weighted lever, by a link. The lever projects from the casing through a watertight seal. The shoe are ferodo-lined and have a normal useful life of five year or more.
(ii) The centrifugal brake limits the rate of descent of the boat when the hand brake is not engaged. shoes of calculated weight act on the inner surface of a stationary drum, being thrown out by centrifugal effect against the retaining springs. The lowering speed of the boat can be kept within the predesigned limit of 36m/min.
A ratchet arrangement ensures that the drums will not reverse and the boat drop back towards the water in the event of power failure.
Brakes require regular inspection for wear and after replacement must be properly tested.
14. Chapters in SOLAS?
Ans: Chapter I - General Provisions
Chapter II-1 - Construction - Subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations
Chapter II-2 – Fire prevention, fire detection and fire extinction
Chapter III - Lifesaving appliances and arrangements
Chapter IV - Radio communications
Chapter V – Safety of Navigation
Chapter VI – Carriage of Cargoes
Chapter VII – Carriage of dangerous goods
Chapter VIII - Nuclear ships
Chapter IX - Management for the Safe Operation of Ships
Chapter X – Safety measures for high-speed craft
Chapter XI-1 - Special measures to enhance maritime safety.
Chapter XI-2 - Special measures to enhance maritime security.
Chapter XII - Additional safety measures for bulk carriers
Chapter XIII – Verification of compliance
Chapter XIV - Safety measures for ships operating in polar waters
15. Damage stability criteria for tankers?
Ans: 1. The final waterline (taking into account sinkage, heel and trim) shall be below the lower edge of any opening through which progressive flooding may take place.
2. In the final stage of flooding, the angle of the heel due to unsymmetrical flooding shall not exceed 25°, provided that this angle may be increased up to 30° if no deck edge immersion occurs.
3. The stability in the final stage of flooding is sufficient if the GZ curve has at least a range of 20° beyond the position of equilibrium with a maximum residual GZ of at least 0.1 m and area under the curve not less than 0.0175m-rad within the 20° range.
4. The Administration shall be satisfied that the stability is sufficient during intermediate stages of flooding.
5. Use of Equalization arrangements requiring mechanical aids such as valves or cross-levelling pipes is not allowed to meet these requirements.
16. Damage stability criteria for Passenger ships?
Ans: (1) Positive stability range of at least 15° beyond range of equilibrium.
(2) Minimum area of 0.015 m-rad under the righting lever curve from the angle of equilibrium to lesser of:
(a) the angle at which progressive flooding takes place.
(b) 22° from the upright position for simultaneous flooding of two compartments and 27° if more than two compartments?
17. Damage stability criteria for Bulk carriers?
Ans: Solar Chapter XII: Additional safety measures for bulk carriers
Regulation 4:- Damage stability requirements applicable to bulk carriers
1. Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single-side skin construction, designed to carry solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above, constructed on or after 01-July-1999 shall, when loaded to the summer load line, be able to withstand flooding of the anyone cargo hold in all loading conditions and remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium.
2. Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single-side skin construction, carrying solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above, constructed before 01-July-1999 shall, when loaded to the summer load line, be able to withstand flooding of the foremost cargo hold in all loading conditions and remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium.
3. The permeability of a loaded hold shall be assumed as 0.9 and the permeability of an empty hold shall be assumed as 0.95 unless a permeability relevant to a particular cargo is assumed for the volume of a flooded hold occupied by cargo and permeability of 0.95 is assumed for the remaining empty volume of the hold.
4. Bulk carriers constructed before 01-July-1999 which have been assigned a reduced freeboard, in compliance with the International Convention on Load Lines as complying with paragraph 2 of this regulation.
Regulation 5:- Structural strength of bulk carriers
(This regulation applies to bulk carriers constructed on or after 1 July 1999)
Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single-side skin construction, designed to carry solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above, shall have sufficient strength to withstand flooding of any one cargo hold in all loading and ballast conditions, taking also into account dynamic effects resulting from the presence of water in the hold, and taking into account the recommendations adopted by the Organization.
Regulation 6:- Structural and other requirements for bulk carriers.
(This regulation applies to bulk carriers constructed before 1 July 1999)
1. Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single side skin construction, carrying solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above, shall comply with the requirements of this regulation in accordance with the implementation schedule specified in regulation 3.
2. The transverse watertight bulkhead between the two foremost cargo holds and the double bottom of the foremost cargo hold shall have sufficient strength to withstand flooding of the foremost cargo hold, taking also into account dynamic effects resulting from the presence of water in the hold, in compliance with the bulk carrier bulkhead and double bottom strength standards. For the purpose of this regulation, the bulk carrier bulkhead and double bottom strength standards shall be treated as mandatory.
3. In considering the need for, and the extent of, strengthening of the transverse watertight bulkhead or double bottom to meet the requirements of paragraph 2, the following restrictions may be taken into account:
(1) restrictions on the distribution of the total cargo weight between the cargo holds; and
(2) restrictions on the maximum deadweight.
4. For bulk carriers using either of, or both, the restrictions given in paragraphs 3.1 and 3.2 above for the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of paragraph 2, these restrictions shall be complied with whenever solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above are carried.
18. Details of free surface effects.
Ans: When a tank on board a ship is not completely full of liquid, and the vessel heels, the liquid moves across the tank in the same direction as the heel. The centre of gravity of the ship moves away from the centreline, reducing the righting lever and increasing the angle of heel. This results in a virtual rise of G to a higher position G1 vertically above G . The distance GG1 is the reduction in the initial metacentric height and is directly proportional to the second moment of the water plane area of the water surface about the longitudinal centre line and inversely proportional to the underwater volume or displaced volume.
In tanks the longitudinal intercostals to some small extent reduce the effect of free surface. Further reduction is made possible by the use of longitudinal swash bulkheads. Absolute reduction is obtained by subdividing the tank by longitudinal water tight bulkheads.
19. SOx & NOx Emission regulations?
Ans: SOx Emission:
Special Area (SECA) |
Special Area |
01-Jan-2012 |
% Sulphur m/m |
01-July-2010 |
% Sulphur m/m |
01-Jan-2012 |
% Sulphur m/m |
01-July-2010 |
% Sulphur m/m |
After 01-Jan-2020 |
0.5 % Sulphur m/m |
01-Jan-2015 |
0.1 % Sulphur m/m |
NOx Emission:
Duration |
n<130 |
130<n<1999 |
n>1999 |
01-Jan-2000 to 31-Dec-2010 |
gm/ |
45xn^-0.2 gm/ |
gm/ |
II |
01-Jan-2010 to 31-Dec-2015 |
gm/ |
44xn^-0.23 gm/ |
gm/ |
01-Jan-2016 |
gm/ |
9xn^-0.2gm/ |
gm/ |
20. Enclosed space entry?
Ans: The method of making an enclosed space fit for man entry is as follows:
The space is to be opened and most probably it will be a man hole door. After opening the door. The space is to be ventilated by using a portable blower and forcing air into the space through the man hole, for at least 8 to 12 hours. The air is exhausted through the air pipe fitted in the space. Progressively the space oxygen content should be measured by lowering the meter or the sample suction pipe into the space and taking readings of the oxygen content. If the tank or space is well spread out it may be necessary to enter the space with breathing apparatus (SCBA) to note the oxygen content. Any water if found in the space must be pumped out to make entry safe. Entry may be permitted when the oxygen level is at least 21% by volume. Accurate calibration is done by using pure nitrogen sample for 0% oxygen and sample air from open space for 21% oxygen content.
The procedure to enter enclosed spaces in a safe manner is given in section 17 of the code of safe working practices of IMO To make the space safe for entry without breathing apparatus the following steps are to be taken:
(i) A competent person generally the second engineer or the chief officers to take charge of the operation.
(ii) The potential hazards which could be hydrocarbons (fuel tanks) or CO2(Ballast tank) must be identified.
(iii) The space should be properly ventilated using a portable blower placed at the manhole opening and run for about 8-12 hours so that the toxic gases are exhausted out of the space.
(iv) The space atmosphere should be tested at regular intervals to monitor the progress of the evacuation process and. This is done by a suitable oxygen or hydrocarbon gas recording meter which is calibrated and is accurate.
(v) When the space has at least 21% oxygen in its atmospheric content, entry may be permitted by a written order. And a suitable check list made for the records.
An enclosed space is a tank or void space which is for most times kept closed tight with only the air pipe or open vent to ensure that there is no pressure build up in the space. These spaces are opened by man entry doors for purposes of inspections, repairs and cleaning. When the manhole doors are opened for inspection certain safety procedures are to be observed so that the entry is safe. These enclosed spaces because they are kept shut for long periods may not have sufficient oxygen content or may be saturated with CO2 if they are ballast tanks, or hydrocarbons if they are fuel tanks.
The procedure for safe entry is as follows The space must be vented for at least 8 to 12 hours by forcing air using a portable blower placed at the man hole entry. The space must be checked for its oxygen content using an oxygen meter at regular intervals to ensure that the space is being enriched with air. If the space is spread over a large area, it may be necessary to carry the instrument into the space after donning a SCBA so that the oxygen content at remote locations in the tank may be verified. Entry permit should be issued only when the oxygen content within the tank has reached 21% The check list for man entry should be made out. A person should be kept stand by at the entrance whilst the space is being inspected or work is in progress inside, to take instructions and convey messages from the person/s inside as well as to alert the other staff in case some mishap occurs inside the pace or tank.
21. Preliminary Preparation - prior to dry-dock?
Ans:- 1. Drawings of the shell expansion plan, stern gear, rudder gear, propeller, ship-side valve & gratings, framings are to be studied and kept ready for dry dock.
2. Reports of last two dry-docks to be checked- Tail shaft, stern tube bearings, shaft seals, poker gauge reading, rudder drop, pintle clearance, etc. noted.
3. Inventory of spares (for machinery to be overhauled), Tools ( spanners for propeller pilgrim nut, rudder palm bolts, drop gauge, poker gauge, trammel gauge, intermediate shaft coupling bolts, rudder pintle nut bolts, etc.) are to be taken. Inventory of stores. eg pipes bend flanges valve, etc.; are also to be taken for probable use.
4. Continuous survey of Machinery items identified - for Dry dock (Tail shaft, propeller, rudder, underwater valves, sea chests, Bow thruster, stabilizer, etc.)
5. Identification of defects and preparation of defect list, to be carried out during dry dock, in consultation with all engineers.
6. Preparation of Spares and Stores indent both imported and indigenous and to be sent to the office for procurement before the dry dock.
7. Requirement of any specialized service of equipment manufacturers such as automation and control equipment, to be informed to the Engineer Superintendent.
8. Job allotment to ship staff, shipyard, specialists identification.
9. Job Timing schedule to prepare to ensure satisfactory completion of all jobs within the dry-docking period.
10. Maintaining Safety - Readiness of safety equipment during the various stages of dry-docking Prevention of flooding of Double bottom tanks and Engine room.
11. Tank Plugs - Engine room D.B. tank plugs to be identified by frame numbers and to ascertain which tank to drain via plugs in dry dock and which plugs not to be touched, such as oil tanks.
2. Reports of last two dry-docks to be checked- Tail shaft, stern tube bearings, shaft seals, poker gauge reading, rudder drop, pintle clearance, etc. noted.
3. Inventory of spares (for machinery to be overhauled), Tools ( spanners for propeller pilgrim nut, rudder palm bolts, drop gauge, poker gauge, trammel gauge, intermediate shaft coupling bolts, rudder pintle nut bolts, etc.) are to be taken. Inventory of stores. eg pipes bend flanges valve, etc.; are also to be taken for probable use.
4. Continuous survey of Machinery items identified - for Dry dock (Tail shaft, propeller, rudder, underwater valves, sea chests, Bow thruster, stabilizer, etc.)
5. Identification of defects and preparation of defect list, to be carried out during dry dock, in consultation with all engineers.
6. Preparation of Spares and Stores indent both imported and indigenous and to be sent to the office for procurement before the dry dock.
7. Requirement of any specialized service of equipment manufacturers such as automation and control equipment, to be informed to the Engineer Superintendent.
8. Job allotment to ship staff, shipyard, specialists identification.
9. Job Timing schedule to prepare to ensure satisfactory completion of all jobs within the dry-docking period.
10. Maintaining Safety - Readiness of safety equipment during the various stages of dry-docking Prevention of flooding of Double bottom tanks and Engine room.
11. Tank Plugs - Engine room D.B. tank plugs to be identified by frame numbers and to ascertain which tank to drain via plugs in dry dock and which plugs not to be touched, such as oil tanks.
22. Why tankers have less free-board?
Ans: Due to the following reasons:
(i) Oil tankers have less openings as compared to other ships and those openings can be closed efficiently.
(ii) They have lesser area of hatch opening as compared to bulk and containers.
(iii) Structural strength is more and safer, hence allow less freeboard.
(iv) They have greater subdivision by transverse and longitudinal bulkhead.
(v) Permeability of an oil filled tank is only about 5% compared to permeability of grain cargo hold of 60-65%, so ingress of water in a bilged compartment will be less.
(vi) Density of oil cargo is less than grain cargo.
(vii) Much larger and better pumping arrangement on tanker to control any bilge water.
Also tanker has less GM as compared to a dry cargo ship because of the following reasons:
A tanker carries liquid cargo where the permeability is very low since the cargo fills the entire volume of the cargo space and only a small pace in the hatch coaming space is left for expansion of the cargo. The KG of the loaded tanker is therefore higher since oil being a liquid and homogenous in nature The G of the ship in loaded condition lies close to half the depth of the ship(hull). In dry cargo ships this position is lower , which makes the GM of the dry cargo ship greater than the GM of the tanker. For a similar sized and shaped cargo ship and tanker the km will be the same and equal. This makes the GM of the dry cargo ship larger than the GM of the tanker.
A tanker carries liquid cargo where the permeability is very low since the cargo fills the entire volume of the cargo space and only a small pace in the hatch coaming space is left for expansion of the cargo. The KG of the loaded tanker is therefore higher since oil being a liquid and homogenous in nature The G of the ship in loaded condition lies close to half the depth of the ship(hull). In dry cargo ships this position is lower, which makes the GM of the dry cargo ship greater than the GM of the tanker. For a similar sized and shaped cargo ship and tanker the km will be the same and equal. This makes the GM of the dry cargo ship larger than the GM of the tanker.
23. What is ISM? When ISM came into force?
Answer:- From the year 1994, it has been a very vital component of the SOLAS convention (safety of life at sea). it was in this year that this code was formally adopted and integrated as a part of the solas convention. From July 1998 it became mandatory on all ships.
ISM is International Safety Management of ships. It is a safety and pollution prevention code prescribed for committed following by all ships belonging to all the flags of the world and who are signatories to this code. It applies to all ships proceeding to sea, except naval ships. Its need is necessitated by the requirement of safe operation of ships all over the world so that loss of life and pollution prevention of the sea and the atmosphere are attained and cargos are delivered without contamination and loss.
The objectives broadly stated are:
Safety at sea
Prevention of human injury or loss of life
Prevention of damage to environment or pollution of environment
Preparing the ships personnel for emergencies,
In India ISM is controlled by the DG of shipping Mumbai. The certificate issued to the ship is called SMC, Safety Management Certificate. The company managing the ship is given a DOC, a Document of Compliance. Both these certificates are valid for five years and are harmonized with other statutory certificates. The certificates are issued after an audit conducted on the ship and the operational shore office by the surveyors of the DG of shipping or the surveyors of the Classification societies approved by the DG of Shipping.
24. Under ISM what is role of internal audit? Why we require external audit?
Ans: Purposes of Audit: Purposes of Audits are to verify compliance of with the requirements of the ISM Code and, through the verification, to support and encourage Companies in achieving safety management objectives,
which are:
(1) to provide for safe practices in ship operation and a safe working environment;
(2) to establish safeguards against all identified risks based on the assessment; and
(3) to continuously improve the safety-management skills of personnel ashore and aboard. Audit and its Timing:
Company Audits consists of following;
(1) Audit for issuing Interim DOC: Shall be conducted for a newly established Company or addition of ship type
(2) Initial Audit: Shall be conducted to issue a DOC for a Company for the first time.
(3) Annual Audit: Shall be conducted every year between three months before and after each anniversary date.
(4) Renewal Audit: Shall be conducted within three months before the expiry date of the existing DOC.
(5) Additional Audit: Shall be conducted to verify effective actions are taken for MNC as necessary and whenever needed.
Shipboard Audits consists of following;
(1) Audit for issuing an Interim SMC: Shall be conducted to issue an Interim SMC for a ship which has not operated or for a ship which the flag has been changed
(2) Initial Audit: Shall be conducted to issue a SMC for a Ship for the first time
(3) Intermediate Audit: Shall be conducted between the second and third anniversary date (within twelve months)
(4) Renewal Audit: Shall be conducted within three months before the expiry date of the existing SMC
(5) Additional Audit: Shall be conducted to verify effective actions are taken for MNC as necessary and whenever needed.
Actions for ISM Deficiencies Raised in PSC Inspections When deficiencies related to ISM Code requirements (ISM deficiencies) are raised in PSC inspections, the procedures specified below are supposed to be followed, while it should be confirmed with the PSC Officer (PSCO) on individual case basis.
1. ISM Deficiencies which are Ground for Detention In the case of MNCs or deficiencies which are ground for the detention of ship, external Audit by the flag administration or a recognized organization is normally required by the PSCO.
(1) The Company should submit an application for additional Audit to the local Class office together with:
(a) a copy of the PSC inspection report
(b) particular explanation by the PSCO on why the ISM deficiencies were raised and Company’s views if any
(2) The Company should arrange correction of the physical or operational deficiencies on which the ISM deficiencies are based, e.g. repairs of hull construction and equipment, provision of necessary document.
(3) The auditor categorizes the deficiencies pointed out by PSCO into the element of ISM Code and decides the scope of the audit. The auditor determines MNC, NC or OBS based on the corrected object evidences during the audit, including the deficiencies and issues an Audit records.
(4) The Company should make report on the actions taken to the PSCO with a copy of the Audit records for release of the ship.
(5) The Company should investigate root causes of the ISM deficiencies and draw up corrective action plan for the prevention of recurrence. When MNC is raised, the Company should undergo additional audit for verification of effectiveness of corrective actions.
2. Other cases When an Audit by the Flag Administration or a recognized organization is required by the PSCO for other ISM deficiencies than MNCs and those which are ground for detention of ship, the procedures stated in (1) thorough (5) of para 1 should be followed, in principle.
25 Explain the function of management review.
Ans: In the ISM code the management review meeting is conducted at least once every year before the annual internal audit and chaired by the master of the ship. The Agenda for this meeting is as follows:
Review of progress made in the SMS(safety management system).
Review of recurring near misses and suggested corrective action/s.
Review of conduct of emergency drills.
Review of pending essential stores and spares supply. Any other matter pertaining to safety and pollution prevention.
26 Explain the objectives of ISM code and how they are attained?
Ans: The objectives broadly stated are:
Safety at sea
Prevention of human injury or loss of life
Prevention of damage to environment or pollution of environment Preparing the ships personnel for emergencies, The personnel involved have declared responsibilities which are documented and observed in their day to day work and finally audited at regular intervals by the administration and /or classification societies. One worthy feature of this code is the recording of near misses and accidents on the ship and analysing their causes to prevent future recurrence of similar situations.
27 How will you prepare for ISM audit as second engineer.
Ans: As second engineer of the ship , i am in charge of the operations and work carried out in the machinery spaces and the machinery under my control. * When i am informed of the audit, I will assemble the staff under my control and interrogate them about their duties in the Engine room and else where and tutor them if they lack knowledge or are unable to express these activities in a proper way. * I will have all the work books, log book and the oil record book , inspect them and have them updated if the records are not updated. * I will have the machinery space properly cleaned and the tools and spares properly arranged, ensure that pieces of rags and jute after use are stowed in their steel bins. * ensure that the safety equipment in the machinery space is properly stowed in their right locations. * Ensure that the check list file is updated for the various activities entered in the engine room log book. * finally ensure that all the machinery in the engine room is in good working order.
28. Purpose/ Objectives of ISM & SMS? Content of ISM code?
Ans: (i) Ensure safety at sea;
(ii) Prevent human injury or loss of life; and
(iii) Avoid damage to the environment with a focus on the marine environment and on property
The ISM Code establishes the following safety management objectives of the company:
(i) Provide safe practices in ship operation and working environment;
(ii) Establish safeguards against all identified risks; and Continuously improve safety management skills of personnel ashore and onboard ships. These skills include the preparation for emergencies related to safety and environmental protection.
.1 General
.2 Safety & environment protection policy
.3 company responsibility and authority.
.4 Designated person.
.5 Master responsibility and Authority.
.6 Resource and personal
.7 Shipboard operation
.8 Emergency preparedness.
.9 Report and analysis of non-conformity, accident and hazardous occurrences.
.10 Maintenance of the ship & equipments
.11 Documentation
.12 company verification, review and evaluation
.13 Certificate & Periodic verification
.14 Interim certificate
.15 Verification.
.16 Forms of the certificate.
29. Certificates under ISM? DOC & SMC?
Ans: Issued to a Company Certificates, which may be issued to a Company, are as follows;
1. Interim DOC: An interim DOC issued to a Company which has no practical operational experience of its SMS.
An Interim DOC may be issued in the following cases.
(1) In the case of a newly established Company
(2) In the case of Addition of a Ship Type(s) In case a Company, who is in possession of a DOC issued by Class, applies its SMS to new ship type(s) which are not stated on the existing DOC. Interim DOC shall be issued by an Office of Class. The period of validity of the Interim DOC shall be twelve months. The Company shall undergo an Initial Audit in case of a newly established Company or shall undergo an Additional Audit in case of Addition of Ship Type, to obtain a DOC within the validity of the Interim DOC. Note: In the case of a newly established Company, further Document Review for the Manual and Procedures should be conducted prior to the Audit on site. In this regard, the Application for the Initial Audit should be forwarded one month before the intended date.
2. DOC: A full-term Certificate issued under the authority of the Flag Administration.
DOC shall be issued to a Company by the Flag Administration or the Office of ClassNK under the authority of the Flag Administration, upon successful completion of an Initial Audit. At the Audit, the SMS of the company and at least one ship of each ship type covered by the SMS should have been in operation for at least three months. And also, the internal Audits for them should have been carried out. Then, when a Company manages a plural flag fleet, a plural number of DOCs shall be issued. The period of validity of a DOC, issued after Initial Audit, shall be five years from the last date of the Audit subject to Annual Audit carried out yearly. As for Renewal Audit, when the same is completed within three months before the expiry date of an existing DOC, the period of validity of the new DOC shall be five years from the expiry date of the existing DOC. When the Renewal Audit is completed more than three months before the expiry of an existing DOC, the new DOC shall be valid from the date of completion of the Renewal Audit for a period of five years. DOCs shall be endorsed upon the successful completion of an Annual Audit. The original of DOCs shall be kept at the Company and a copy of the DOC with endorsement for the Annual Audit shall be placed on board of each ship covered by the SMS.
3. Short-term DOC: A short-term Certificate issued to cover the period until a full-term DOC is issued. (When the Flag Administration issues a full-term DOC)
Short term DOC When the Flag Administration issues a full-term DOC, a short-term DOC(s) valid for five months shall be issued to a Company on the last date of Audit by the Office of Class as a proof of satisfactory completion of the Initial Audit or Renewal Audit.
Issued to a Ship Certificate, which may be issued to a ship, is as follows;
1. Interim SMC: An interim SMC is issued to a ship which has no practical operational experience of the SMS.
Interim SMC An Interim SMC may be issued in the following cases;
(1) a newly built ship;
(2) a ship for which the management Company has changed;
(3) a ship to which SOLAS IX applies as mandatory requirements due to conversion, change of navigation area, etc; or
(4) a ship for which the flag has been changed.
The period of validity of an Interim SMC shall be six months. In special cases the validity of an Interim SMC may be extended for a further six months maximum, provided the Flag permission to do so. The ship shall undergo Initial Audit to obtain a SMC within the validity of the Interim SMC.
(2) SMC: A full-term Certificate issued under the authority of a Flag State Government.
SMC shall be issued to a ship, which is managed by a Company who is in possession of DOC (not Interim DOC), by the Flag Administration or the Office of Class under the authority of the Flag Administration upon successful completion of an Initial Audit. At the Audit, the Company’s SMS should have been in operation for at least three months in the shipboard. And also, the Internal Audits should have been carried out. The period of validity of a SMC, issued after Initial Audit, shall be five years from the last date of the Audit, subject to an Intermediate Audit carried out between the second and third anniversary date. As for Renewal Audit, when the same is completed within three months before the expiry date of the existing SMC, the period of validity of the new SMC shall be five years from the expiry date of the existing SMC. When the Renewal Audit is completed more than three months before the expiry date of existing SMC, the new SMC shall be valid from the date of completion of Renewal Audit for a period of five years. A SMC shall be endorsed upon the successful completion of an Intermediate Audit. The original of the SMC shall be placed on board and a copy of the SMC shall be kept by the Company.
(3) Short-term SMC: A short-term Certificate issued to cover the period until a full-term SMC is issued. (When the Flag Administration issues a full-term SMC)
Short term SMC When the Flag Administration issues a full-term SMC, a Short-term SMC valid for five months shall be issued to a ship on the last date of the Audit by the Office of Class as a proof of satisfactory completion of an Initial Audit or a Renewal Audit.
30. what is an observation and non-conformity in ISM code.
Ans: Non Conformity : When objective evidence indicates non fulfilment of a specific requirement stated by the safety management system, a situation of non conformity is considered to have occurred. Observation means a statement of fact made during a safety management audit and substantiated by objective evidence.
31. Harmonization of the certificate?
Ans: On February 3, 2000, International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted a harmonized survey system for ships, in order to alleviate the problems caused by survey dates and intervals between surveys that do not coincide, covering international shipping regulations including the codes and conventions of these following institutions:
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974
The International Convention on Load Lines (LL), 1966
The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto –MARPOL 73/78
The International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code)
Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code)
Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code).
Harmonized Survey System Features
1) A standard interval of one year between harmonized surveys for ships which could be based on any of the followings: Initial survey – A complete inspection of all the items concerning the particular certificate before the ship is put into service to make sure they possess satisfactory conditions and are capable of carry out the service for which the ship is intended Periodical survey – An official examination of the items relating to the particular certificate to ensure that they are meeting the requirements and are fit for the intended services Renewal survey – As similar as the periodical survey but consequently results in issuing a new certificate Intermediate survey – Inspection of specified items Annual survey – General reviewing of the items concerned to the particular certificate to ascertain the fact that they have been observed maintained and remained fit for the service for which the ship is designated. Additional survey – General or partial Inspection, according to the circumstances, made after a repair resulting from casualty probes or whenever there is an important repair or renewal made.
2) A maximum period of validity of one year and five years for all passenger ship certificates and cargo ship certificates respectively
3) Three months extension for cargo ship certificates on the harmonized survey system for ships and one month for short voyages. When the duration of a particular certificate is extended, the period of validity of new certificate begins from the expiry date of last certificate. 4) At least two inspections are required to be executed of the ship’s bottom in a five year period; maximum interval between the inspections has also been set at not more than thirty six months. Harmonized Survey System
5) A substantive harmonized system for merchant marine which credits a combined cargo ship safety certificate to replace existing safety equipment, safety construction and safety radio certificates
6) No more unscheduled inspections for harmonized system of classification for ships, while annual surveys have been made mandatory.
Purpose: Surveys, made in accordance with the harmonized survey system for ships, are purported to harmonize intervals between surveys of all legitimate certificates issued to all marine vessels. The harmonized system is presumed to facilitate all the troubles of periods between surveys so that any ship would not have to worry about going into the process of a survey schedule required by one convention right after having gone through the same thing concerned in connection with another instrument.
Certificates: The Harmonized system of classification for ships is related to several certificates, depending upon the type of ships, including:
Passenger Ship Safety Certificate,
Record of Equipment Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate
Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate,
Record of Equipment Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate,
Record of Equipment Cargo Ship Safety Certificate,
Record of Equipment International Load Lines Certificate
International Load Lines Exemption Certificate
International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk International
Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk
Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk.
International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk International
32. ISPS Code? Objectives of ISPS?
Ans: ISPS Code:- The International Code for the Security of Ships and Port Facilities contains mandatory provisions to which reference is made in chapter XI-2 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 as amended.
The objectives of this Code are: (i) to establish an international framework involving co-operation between Contracting Governments, Government agencies, local administrations and the shipping and port industries to detect security threats and take preventive measures against security incidents affecting ships or port facilities used in international trade; (ii) to establish the respective roles and responsibilities of the Contracting Governments, Government agencies, local administrations and the shipping and port industries, at the national and international level for ensuring maritime security; (iii) to ensure the early and efficient collection and exchange of security-related information; (iv) to provide a methodology for security assessments so as to have in place plans and procedures to react to changing security levels; and (v) to ensure confidence that adequate and proportionate maritime security measures are in place. Functional requirements:- In order to achieve its objectives, this Code embodies a number of functional requirements. These include, but are not limited to: (i) gathering and assessing information with respect to security threats and exchanging such information with appropriate Contracting Governments; (ii) requiring the maintenance of communication protocols for ships and port facilities; (iii) preventing unauthorized access to ships, port facilities and their restricted areas; (iv) preventing the introduction of unauthorized weapons, incendiary devices or explosives to ships or port facilities; (v) providing means for raising the alarm in reaction to security threats or security incidents; (vi) requiring ship and port facility security plans based upon security assessments; and (vii) requiring training, drills and exercises to ensure familiarity with security plans and procedures.
The main objectives if the ISPS code include the following:
(i) To detect security threats and implement security measures.
(ii) To establish roles and responsibilities concerning maritime security for
governments, local administrations, ship and port industries at the national and
international level.
(iii) To collect and share security-related information.
(iv) To provide a methodology for security assessments so as to have in place plans
and procedures to react to changing security levels.
Onboard the ships, the ISPS code is managed by:
(i) Having a ship security plan, that outlines duties and procedures.
(ii) Having a ship security officer who is in charge of the security of the vessel and
implementing the security plan.
(iii) Having company security officers who together with the ship security officers come
up with a ship security plan and are a resource for the ships to contact if needed.
(iv) Having certain onboard equipment to use to aid in the security of the ship, such as
metal detectors and access control.
33. Security Levels?
Ans: Security level 1 means the level for which minimum appropriate protective security measures shall be maintained at all times.
Security level 2 means the level for which appropriate additional protective security measures shall be maintained for a period of time as a result of heightened risk of a security incident.
Security level 3 means the level for which further specific protective security measures shall be maintained for a limited period of time when a security incident is probable or imminent, although it may not be possible to identify the specific target.
The second Engineer should avoid receiving stores during security level 3 unless it is absolutely essential. During security level 2 the second engineer should first check and verify the credentials of the delivery man bringing the stores. This could be by checking his identity card and the company’s letter or delivery note. The stores should be examined at a safe distance near the jetty and can be brought in after they have been examined and proved safe for acceptance.
34. What is corrugated bulkhead?
Answer:- A corrugated plate is stronger than a flat plate if subject to a bending moment or pillar load along the corrugations. This principle may be used in bulkhead construction, when the corrugations may be used to dispense with the stiffeners resulting in a considerable saving in weight. The troughs are vertical on transverse bulkheads but must be horizontal on continuous longitudinal bulkheads which form part of the longitudinal strength of the ship. A load acting across the corrugations will tend to cause the bulkheads to fold in concertina fashion. It is usual, therefore on transverse bulkheads to fit a stiffened flat plate at the shell, thus increasing the transverse strength. This method also simplifies the fitting of the bulkhead to the shell which may prove difficult where the curvature of the shell is considerable. Horizontal diaphragm plates are fitted to prevent collapse of the troughs. These bulkheads form very smooth surfaces which in oil tanks, allows improved drainage and ease of cleaning. A vertical stiffener is usually necessary if the bulkhead is required to support a deck girder.
35. Convention, Protocol & Amendments?
Ans: Convention: International Conventions are agreed upon by a number of countries when they feel the need for such convention. such countries meet usually at the invitation of IMO at an international conference, discuss various proposals and than come to an agreement. This agreement recorded in the form of a final act of conference.
Regulations are the technical provision of the convention.
Protocol: When a major amendment is to be incorporated on regulation of the convention a protocol is called among the countries who are signatories of original convention.
Amendments: Regulations enforced by the convention are required to be amended frequently to keep pace with rapid evolving technology on the shipping world. Either by considering within IMO or by a conference
36. Purpose of Port state control? PSC inspection of emergency generator?
Ans:- Port State control Many ships may not visit home port for a considerable period of time and during a certain period of time ship's certificates may not be renewed or maintained. thus it is important that the ship must be inspected at various ports to ensure compliance with rules requirement as regard to safety, maintenance and manning etc., when such control is exercised by a country other than flag state is called "port state control" Port State Control (PSC) is the inspection of foreign ships in national ports to verify that the condition of the ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of international regulations and that the ship is manned and operated in compliance with these rules. Flag state ensures that the ship entitled to fly its flag is safely constructed, equipped, maintained and manned as per the regulations developed by IMO. When a country exercises control over a ship which is registered in that country, such control is called flag state control (FSC).
PSC checks on Emergency generators: manual and auto modes tested; fuel oil tank topped-up; quick-closing valve; starting batteries or other starting means; emergency switchboard; auto start and auto load. As per IRS 1. Testing of the emergency diesel generator in both manual and automatic modes, as applicable, for at least 20 minutes. 2. The compartment is kept in satisfactory condition of cleanliness, ventilation and that no materials are improperly stored inside. 3. Level of fuel in the tank is sufficient and that batteries are charged. 4. Coupling of the emergency generator on the emergency switchboard, 5. The operation and all emergency functions are satisfactory.
37. What is torsion box . In which type of ship it is fitted and where is it fitted and why it is fitted.
Ans: Torsion boxes are fitted on the main deck structure of the container ships. Because of the wide hatches the deck plating must be thick, and higher tensile steel is often used. The deck , side shell and longitudinal bulkheads are longitudinally framed in addition to the double bottom. The hatch coamings may be continuous and therefore improve the longitudinal strength. Problems may arise in these vessels due to the lack of torsional strength caused by the large hatches. The problem is overcome to some extent by fitting torsion boxes on each side of the ship. These boxes are formed by the upper deck, top part of the longitudinal bulkhead, sheer strake and upper platform, all of which are of thick material . The boxes are supported inside by transverses and wash bulkheads in addition to the longitudinal framing. These boxes are only effective if they are effectively tied at their ends. At the after end they extend into the engine room and are tied to deep transverse webs. Similarly at the fore end, they are carried as far forward as the form of the ship will allow and are welded to transverse webs. The longitudinal bulkheads below the box may have to be stepped in board to suit the shape of the ship, the main longitudinal bulkhead being scarphed into the stepped section.
38. On load and Offload lowering procedure?
Ans: Offload release:
a. Carryout when boat is fully waterborne i.e in case of calm weather.
b. Do not touch hydrostatic release lever until lifeboat is water borne.
c. When boat is waterborne, The interlock unit detects the water pressure and releases the interlock when boat is afloat.
d. Release safety lock device and pull out safety pin of release handle.
e. pull release handle up to the stopper in one continuous action.
Onload or Emergency release:
a. Carry out in case of dangerous atmosphere and rough weather.
b. Bring the boat up to 1m above water level.
c. Open the cover of interlock device. Fully raise the hydrostatic interlock lever and insert the securing pin to release the interlock.
d. Release the safety lock device and pull out safety pin of release handle.
e. pull release handle up to the stopper in one continuous action.
39. Special Areas under Marpol?
Ans: Annex -I
(1) The Mediterranean Sea
(2) The Baltic Sea
(3) The Black Sea
(4) The Red Sea
(5) The Gulfs area
(6) The Gulf of Aden area
(7) The Antarctic area
(8) The North West European waters
(9) Oman area of Arabian Sea
(10) Southern South African water
Antarctic Area
Baltic sea
(1) The Mediterranean Sea
(2) The Baltic Sea
(3) The Black Sea
(4) The Red Sea
(5) The Gulfs area
(6) The North Sea area
(7) The Antarctic area
(8) The Wider Caribbean region and gulf of maxico
(1) Baltic sea
(2) North sea
(3) North American waters
(4) U.S Caribbean sea
(1) The Mediterranean Sea
(2) The Baltic Sea
(3) The Black Sea
(4) The Red Sea
(5) The Gulfs area
(6) The Gulf of Aden area
(7) The Antarctic area
(8) The North West European waters
(9) Oman area of Arabian Sea
(10) Southern South African water
Antarctic Area
Baltic sea
(1) The Mediterranean Sea
(2) The Baltic Sea
(3) The Black Sea
(4) The Red Sea
(5) The Gulfs area
(6) The North Sea area
(7) The Antarctic area
(8) The Wider Caribbean region and gulf of maxico
(1) Baltic sea
(2) North sea
(3) North American waters
(4) U.S Caribbean sea
40. How is the lifeboat winch brake tested statically and dynamically?
Ans: The static brake test is preferably done during the renewal survey when the brake falls are renewed
Static Test:- The boat is to be rigged up with its full equipment as per the code of life saving appliances. The boat is to be loaded uniformly with sand bags each of 50 kg to make up the full compliment of persons it can carry at the rate of 75 kg per person together with excess of 50% of the total weight of the loaded boat.
Precautions to be observed: The loading of the sand bags to be done after the boat is taken off its cradle and is in the launching position. The test is to be done only if the boat is plumbing on the water side . In anchorage it can be done for all the boats. When alongside a jetty it can be done on the boat on the water side. The load is kept for 30 minutes and after completion of the test and the weights removed, the davits to be checked for any permanent deformation.
Dynamic test:- The boat is to be loaded with sand bags representing the full complement of persons as stated above together with 10% excess load of the total loaded boat. The same precautions to be observed as stated above. From its launching position , the hand brake is lifted till the boat descends at constant speed of 0.6 meters per second, when the hand brake is released. The descent of the boat must be arrested instantaneously without any jerk to the davits and supports.
41. Active substances in BWM?
Ans: A substance or organism, including a virus or a fungus that has a general or specific action on or against harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens.
D2 – Ballast water performance standard D2 stipulates the acceptable level of organisms that may be found within discharged ballast water. The D2 Standard specifies that treated and discharged ballast water must have:
(i) fewer than ten viable organisms greater than or equal to 50 micrometers (plankton) in minimum dimension per cubic metre;
(ii) fewer than ten viable organisms less than 50 micrometres (plankton) in minimum dimension and greater than or equal to 10 micrometers in minimum dimension per millilitre.
In addition, a ballast water discharge of indicator microbes, as a health standard, shall not exceed the following specified concentrations:
(iii) Toxicogenic Vibrio cholerae (O1 and O139) with less than one colony-forming unit (cfu) per 100 millilitres or less than 1 cfu per 1 gram (wet weight) zooplankton samples;
(iv) Escherichia coli less than 250 cfu per 100 millilitres;
(v) Intestinal Enterococci less than 100 cfu per 100 millilitres;
Ballast water treatment equipment is developed, and type approved on the basis of the equipment’s ability to treat the ballast water to the required standard. Although not the only way to meet the D2 standard, the installation of an appropriately type approved ballast water treatment system will be the most common method used.
42. Items can't be incenerated?
Ans: i) cargo residues from Marpol Annex I, II,& III and any related contaminated Packaging.
ii) Polychlorinated biphenyl's (PCB's)
iii) Garbage Containing Traces of heavy metal
iv) Refined Petroleum Products.
v) Annex V related wastes.
43. Types of resistance on ship?
Ans: Residuary Resistance
(1) Resistance caused by the formation of streamlines around the ship, i.e due to the change in the direction of the water. If the water changes direction abruptly, such as round box barge, the resistance may be considerable, but in modern, well designed ships this should be very small.
(2) Eddy resistance caused by sudden change in form. Having a rectangular stern frame and single plate rudder coild cause br 5% of the total resistance of the ship. Well designed streamlined stern frame and fitting of a double plated rudder, the eddy resistance can be reduced to a negligible level.
(3) Resistance caused by the formation of wave as the ship passes through the water. In slow or medium-speed ships the wave making resistance is small compared with the frictional resistance. At high speeds, however, the wave making resistance is considerably increased and may be 50 to 60% of the total resistance.
44. STCW chapters?
Ans: Chapter I: General provisions
Chapter II: Master and deck department
Chapter III: Engine department
Chapter IV: Radiocommunication and radio operators
Chapter V: Special training requirements for personnel on certain types of ships
Chapter VI: Emergency, occupational safety, security, medical care and survival functions
Chapter VII: Alternative certification
Chapter VIII: Watchkeeping
45. NOx technical file and NOx technical code?
Ans: For each NOx certified diesel engine there must be onboard an approved Technical File, NOx Technical Code 2008, regulation 2.3.4, which both defines the engine as approved and provides the applicable survey regime together with any relevant approved amendment documentation. As of October 2010 virtually all engines are surveyed using the Parameter Check method, NOx Technical Code 2008, regulation, whereby the actual duty, rating and NOx critical components, settings and operating values are checked against the given data in the Technical File. A key document in the Parameter Check procedure is the Record Book of Engine Parameters,
NOx Technical Code 2008, regulation, which is maintained to record all replacements and changes to NOx critical components, settings and operating values. Engine surveys are undertaken on completion of manufacture and subsequently as part of the overall ship survey process; flowcharts illustrating the aspects checked at the various survey stages are given in NOx Technical Code 2008 appendix II.
Purpose of NOx technical code:
To provide mandatory procedure for testing, survey & certification of marine diesel engine in order to comply with Marpol Annex-VI NOx emission standards.
.1 Procedure for measurement of NOx
.2 Procedure for demonstrating complaince with NOx limit.
.3 Survey & certification
.4 NOx emission standards.
.5 Approval for serially maufactured engines.
.6 Certificate of existing engine.
Information in NOx technical file:
1. Components settings and operating values of the engine which influences its NOx emission.
2. Full range of allowable adjustments or alternatives for the components of the engine.
3. Full record of the relevant engine's performance, including engine rated speed and rated power.
4. Onboard NOx verification procedure.
5. Emission test report.
6. Designation and restriction for an engine that is a member of the engine group or engine family.
7. Specification of spare parts/components which, when used in the engine, according to those specifications, will result in continuous compliance of the engine with the NOx emission limits.
8. EIAPP certificate or statement of voluntary compliance
NOx Technical Code
The revised NOx Technical Code 2008 includes a new chapter based on the agreed approach for regulation of existing (pre-2000) engines established in MARPOL Annex VI, provisions for a direct measurement and monitoring method, a certification procedure for existing engines, and test cycles to be applied to Tier II and Tier III engines. Revisions to the regulations for ozone-depleting substances, volatile organic compounds, shipboard incineration, reception facilities, and fuel oil quality have been made with regulations on fuel oil availability added. The revised measures are expected to have a significant beneficial impact on the atmospheric environment and on human health, particularly for those people living in port cities and coastal communities.
Contents of the NOx technical file.
The NOx technical file is based on the code for conducting the trials in accordance to Annex 6 chapter 4 REG 20 and. 21 of MARPOL. The purpose of the Code is to specify the requirements for the testing, survey, and certification of marine Diesel engines to ensure they comply with the NOX emission limits as of Regulation 13 of Annex VI of the MARPOL regulations and the corresponding tier applicable table. In order to achieve repeatable and comparable results for the assessment of an engine’s emission behavior. Tests must be performed on the applicable test cycle under defined reference conditions and using standardized exhaust gas measurement methods as described in Appendix III of the Code. Other engine parameters than exhaust gas components like engine power, temperatures, pressures etc. need to be measured with prescribed accuracy. The measurement results need to be documented in a test report which shall include also the calculated specific emissions of all relevant individual exhaust gas components, as The measurement results need to be documented in a test report which shall include also the calculated specific emissions of all relevant individual exhaust gas components, as calculated as the weighted average emission value, using the weighting factors of the applicable test cycle. The set of data provided in this document may be used to verify the proper calculation of any self programmed calculation software against the results listed and commented. The test results are available in the NOX technical file.
The Technical Code on Control of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines adopted by IMO. This document covers engine testing, certification and onboard verification procedures to demonstrate continuing compliance with the applicable NOx emissions limits.
It should be noted that the Tier III limits cannot be achieved without additional means, such as Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) and Water Injection.
The main changes to MARPOL, Annex VI are a progressive reduction globally in emissions of SOx, NOX and particulate matter and the introduction of emission control areas (ECAs) to reduce emissions of those air pollutants further in designated sea areas NOx Emission Tier II standard will be enforced from I Jan 2016 in Emission Control Areas (ECA) as per the latest MEPC 66 meeting.
46. What are the methods used in reducing NOx?
Ans: Primary methods:- When engines have been delivered to ship builders , they have been prepared to meet the Annex 6 NOx limitations in accordance with the speed requirements. This is achieved by adjusting a small delay in injection timing resulting in a reduction of peak pressure corresponding to lower peak temperature of combustion. It should be understood that NOx occurs when combustion temperatures go over 2200 deg. C . This compliance with the regulation results in an increase of SFOC from 3% to 5% Modern engines now being built after 2000 are being fitted with fuel systems which prevent the maximum combustion temperature exceeding 2000 deg. C.
Secondary method:- Water emulsification resulting in NOx reduction 20%–50%. The NOx reducing mechanism is created by the introduction of water into the combustion space which whilst improving the atomization results in better combustion ,and at the same time reducing the combustion temperature to a value below 2200 dge. C.
EGR system:- Exhaust gas re-circulation system. The NOx reduction is achieved by reducing the local maximum combustion temperature in the combustion chamber and reducing the concentration of oxygen by circulating part exhaust gas with air or introducing water vapour with air into the combustion chamber.
Scavenge air moisturizing:- In this system ,after the turbocharger compressor, with the assistance of the EGR blower ,high pressure water spray humidification is the most suitable solution for large two- stroke slow speed engine.
47. What determines the expansion ratio of foam used for fire fighting. What should be the expansion ratio for foam used on the decks. What is the expansion ratio of high expansion foam and where is it used?
Ans: The principle of foam generation is reduction of the surface tension of the foam compound/water solution with introduction of air . The foam thus obtained forms a blanket on the fire cutting of air supply to the fire and thus extinguishing the fire. The combination ratio determines the foam expansion ratio. In tankers the low foam expansion is used for spreading on decks upto a depth of 15cms of foam. Such a foam is called low expansion foam made by mixing 12 parts of water (sea) with 1 part of foam compound. High expansion foam is generated by blowing air through a mesh which has been wetted by a solution of foam concentrate in water . It has been used for hold protection on some container vessels and has been tested for engine room fire fighting. The mesh is corrugated and its hole size governs the expansion ratio of the foam which is limited to 1000:1 by regulation. The limit is required because the foam is composed largely of air and easily break down when in contact with a fire. Composed , in the 1000:1 foam, the original 1 volume of liquid evaporated and produces enough steam to reduce the percentage oxygen in the steam/air mixture to about 7.5%. This amount of oxygen is below the level normally required for combustion. Heavier high expansion foam can be produced with a different mesh size. The foam concentrate is metered or mixed with water to given a 1.5% solution of concentrates in water ,and sprayed on the screen. Air is blown through by an electrically driven fan( water pressure drives have been used). Delivery ducts are necessary to carry the foam to the fire area Generation of foam must be rapid and sufficient to fill the largest apace to be protected at the rate of 1 meter (depth)/minute.
48. IG trips and alarms?
Ans: The safeties provided in the IG system are:
Excess O2 in inert gas alarm and cut out.
Deck seal and low water alarm in deck seal.
Blower trip alarm And signal light.
Low water level alarm in scrubber unit.
High water level alarm in scrubber unit.
P/V breaker Low inert gas pressure alarm and light
49. Equipment in lifeboat?
Ans: (a) Mirror / Heliograph = 1
(b) Bucket
(c) Buoyant Oars = 2
(d) Pyrotechnique: Hand Flares = 6, Rocket parachutes = 4 & Smoke signals =2
(e) Painter 2 x 15m
(f) Fire Extinguisher.
(g) EPIRB = 1
(h) Sponges
(i) Food Ration = 500 gms/ person / days upto 3 days ( not less than 10000 kJ/each person ) (j) Water = 500 ml / person / days upto 3 days
(k) Knife = 1
(l) Survival instruction booklet = 1
(m) Topping Up pump and Bellow
(n) Anti-sea sickness tablets = 50
(o) Buoyant bailers = 2
(p) Waterproof torch = 1
(q) Daylight signaling lamp.
(r) Radar reflector = 1
(s) First Aid Kit in water proof case = 1 box
(t) Fishing tackle = 1 set
(u) Compass = 1
(v) Sea Anchor = 2
(w) Whistle = 1
(x) Tin opener = 3
(y) Thermal Protective aid = 2
(z) Tool Box-1
50. SOLAS Regulation for life raft?
Ans: (a) Inflatable life raft contains inflation cylinder which contains CO2 Gas.
(b) CO2 gas containing a small amount of NITROGEN gas to act as an Anti-freeze, also CO2 is non-flammable and also weight is more than the AIR hence add buoyancy to raft, the freezing point of CO2 is -78 deg c, so it can inflate life raft even at -15deg c.
(c) It shall be capable of being inflated by ONE person.
(d) No life raft shall be Approved which has a carrying capacity of less than 6 person.
(e) The total mass of the life raft with its container and its equipment shall not become more than 180 kg.
(f) Inflation shall be completed within a period of 1 min at an ambient temp. of between 18 deg c to 20 deg c, And within a period of 3 min at an ambient temp. of -30 deg c.
(g) A life raft shall be constructed so as to be capable of withstanding exposure for 30 days afloat in any sea condition.
(h) A life raft shall be constructed so that when, packed in its container, it is dropped into the water from a height of 18 meter the life raft and its equipment are not damaged. A life raft, when afloat, shall be capable of withstanding the number of jumps onto it equal to the number of members of its complement, from a height of at least 4.5 m above its floor.
(i) A life raft and its towing patch shall be so constructed as to enable the life raft to be towed at a speed of 3 knots in calm water when it is loaded with its full complement and equipment and one of its sea anchors is streamed.
(j) Life raft shall be provide insulation against heat and cold by means of either two layer of material separated by an air gap. Shall be provided to prevent accumulation of water in the air gap.
(k) It shall be provided with means to mount a Survival Craft Radar Transponder at a height of at least one meter above the SEA.
(l) Efficient Painter of length equal to not less than 15 m.
(m) A manually controlled Lamp shall be fitted to the top of the life raft canopy, the light shall be “ white” and be capable of operating continuosly for at least 12 hrs. with a luminous intensity not less than 4.3 cd, in all direction of the upper hemisphare, the flashes rate not less than 50 and not more than 70 per minute.
(n) Minimum carrying capacity to be 6 person. Locationed on ship in forward ( 6 person ) At embarkation station in port and stbd side ( on my vessel 16 person )
(o) Breaking Strength of Painter: 15 KN for more than 25 person life raft permitted to accommodate. 10 KN for 9 to 24 7.5 KN for any how.
51. Equipment contain in Life Raft as per SOLAS.
Ans: (a) Mirror / Heliograph = 1
(b) Sponges = 2
(c) Buoyant paddles = 2
(d) Hand Flares = 6
(e) Rocket parachutes = 4
(f) Smoke signals =2
(g) EPIRB = 1
(h) SART = 1
(i) Food Ration = 500 gms/ person / days upto 3 days ( not less than 10000 kJ/each person )
(j) Water = 500 ml / person / days upto 3 days
(k) Knife = 1
(l) Survival instruction booklet = 1
(m) Topping Up pump and Bellow
(n) Anti-sea sickness tablets = 50
(o) Buoyant bailers = 2
(p) Waterproof torch = 1
(q) Daylight signaling lamp.
(r) Radar reflector = 1
(s) First Aid Kit in water proof case = 1 box
(t) Fishing tackle = 1 set
(u) Compass = 1
(v) Sea Anchor = 2
(w) Whistle = 1
(x) Tin opener = 3
(y) Thermal Protective aid = 2
52. Marking on life raft as per SOLAS? What are the safeties on life raft?
(1) Maker’s name or Trade mark
(2) Serial number
(3) Date when last serviced
(4) Length of painter
(5) Maximum permitted height of stowage above water line
(6) Type of emergency pack enclosed
(7) Date of manufacture ( month and year )
(8) Capacity of life raft
(9) Launching instruction
(10) SOLAS
(11) Name of approve authority.
Safeties on life raft:
(1) Pressure relief valve
(2) Stabilizing pocket
(3) Insulated canopy have Two layer.
53. Launching life raft manually?
Ans:- (a) First of all take out painter from life raft almost 80% of the total length. (b) Now fasten it to ship side on deck and make sure it should not be loose. (c) Now remove railing and clear the way for launch. (d) Unfasten the ship hook from cradle, (e) Two person will lift raft container from its cradle and thrown it to overboard ( make sure painter point will be ship side) (f) Now after thrown take out remaining painter from raft and after that give sharp pull, but until the raft inflate ( Regulation says that it will inflate within 1 to 3 min depend on ambient temp ) (g) Now with the help of same painter pull it to ship side, (h) Now lower the embarkation ladder or if height will low than jump into water, you can direct jump into raft if the height will not be more than 4.5 m from water line, and also by using embarkation ladder you can go down and jump it inside, or swim some distance and climb up in raft.( but if you are in cold weather try not to get wet, keep dry as possible as you can.) (i) You must have to sit in order wise means face by face, to not be unbalance of raft, (j) Have to take SART and EPIRB along with you. (k) After all person get inside head count must be taken, (l) Now immediately cut the painter by using knife, and using paddle or sea anchor get clear the ship because as ship will start to sink there will be low pressure create in water near by area of ship and
54. Launching of life raft automatically?
Ans:- (a) Once ship started to sink, and when it will sink upto 4 meter the water pressure will activate sharp knife in H.R.U (b) It will cut the securing rope around the canister or container of the raft, and now raft will float free. (c) Now ship will further sink, the painter line will stretched and it will inflate the raft. (d) Now due to increase in buoyancy will break the Red weak link around 2.2 KN± 0.4 and life raft will be on surface of water now. NOTE: life raft located in forward will be only inflate manually, it don’t have H.R.U and its person carrying capacity also 6 person, and life raft located in midships means at embarkation station it have maximum capacity and can be launched by manually, by davit and by H.R.U. So these are the main difference between fwd and aft life raft.
Q9. Launching life raft by davit? Ans:- (a) Launching life raft by davit make sure always you keep maintaining davit mechanism. (b) First you remove ship’s hand rail or gate. (c) Unlash the container for launch, REMEMBER INBOARD mark should be ship side. (d) Lower davit hook and make it lock with lifting shackle. (e) Secure canister or container lines outboard. (f) Secure bowsing line. (g) Pull out approx 5-6 meter of painter line. (h) Make sure before lifting that hook and brake lanyard are inboard. (i) Secure painter line. (j) Now pull full length of painter. (k) Now lift the life raft canister upto some height. (l) Now pull the painter and give sharp pull to inflate life raft. (n) Make sure the opening of canopy means access should be ship side. (o) Now secure the life raft. (p) Now one person will go inside to make some check ( make sure you should not wear Sharpe edge shoes or heels ) (q) Collect SART and EPIRB. (r) Now go inside life raft and seat evenly. (s) Now release bowsing line and pass to raft. (t) Check launching area is clear. (u) Lower the raft using brake release. (v) You can operate hook release 1 m above the water or allow the raft to touch the water and load will reduce from hook and it will release it self. (w) Now cut painter and use sea anchor or paddle to clear the area immediately.
55. Deference between TPA and Immersion suit?
Ans: The immersion suit: The immersion suit shall be constructed with waterproof materials such that: it can be unpacked and donned without assistance within 2 min, taking into account any associated clothing, and a lifejacket if the immersion suit is to be worn in conjunction with a lifejacket; it will not sustain burning or continue melting after being totally enveloped in a fire for a period of 2 seconds; it will cover the whole body with the exception of the face. Hands shall also be covered unless permanently attached gloves are provided; it is provided with arrangements to minimize or reduce free air in the legs of the suit; following a jump from a height of not less than 4.5 m into the water there is no undue ingress of water into the suit. An immersion suit which also complies with the requirements of life-jackets may be classified as a life-jacket.
Thermal protective aids A thermal protective aid shall be made of waterproof material having a thermal conductance of not more than 7800 W/(m2.K) and shall be so constructed that, when used to enclose a person, it shall reduce both the convective and evaporative heat loss from the wearer’s body. The thermal protective aid shall: cover the whole body of persons of all sizes wearing a life-jacket with the exception of the face. Hands shall also be covered unless permanently attached gloves are provided; be capable of being unpacked and easily donned without assistance in a survival craft or rescue boat; permit the wearer to remove it in the water in not more than 2 min, if it impairs ability to swim. The thermal protective aid shall function properly throughout an air temperature range -30°C to +20°C.
56. What is meant by angle of loll and how is it to be corrected. What type of ships experience angle of loll.
Ans: The angle of loll is the stable heeled angle reached by a ship with very small GM (height). In this condition a small swell or a squall of wind can easily tip the ship so it heels over to the other side and comes to rest at the angle of loll on the other side To increase the transverse stability of the ship or improve the GM, weights must be added at the bottom to make the G go down and this is done by ballasting its DB tanks. Normally passenger ships which are top heavy , because of the number of decks above the free board deck, as well as car carriers are subjected to this condition.
57. State the regulations regarding the emergency fire pump and emergency generators?
Answer:- A. The requirement for the number of fire pump In Passenger Ship of 4000 gross tonnage and upwards should have at least three fire pump and less than 4000 gross tonnages should have at least two fire pump In Cargo ship of 1000 gross tonnage and upwards should have at least two fire pump and less than 1,000 gross tonnages should have at least two power-driven pumps, one of which shall be independently driven.
B. Regulations for Emergency Fire Pump All passenger ships of 1000 GRT and upwards and in cargo ships of 2000 GRT and upwards must have fixed emergency fire pump independently driven by a self-cooled compression ignition engine or an electric motor driven by electric power from the emergency generator Emergency fire pump must be located outside of the E/R room, in the steering flat, shaft tunnel or in the forward part of the ship. No direct access between the engine room and emergency fire pump. If access provided, it should be through an airlock arrangement. Emergency fire pump must have own suction, the total suction head should not exceed 4.5 meters under any conditions of list or trim of the ship. The capacity of the pump not less than 40 % of the total required the capacity of the fire pumps but in any case not less than 25 m3 / hr. Should be capable of delivering 2 jets of water with minimum pressure not less than 2.1 bar. The prime mover engine at that unit must be hand started and able to start with one man. If the pump is fitted above the water level, the self-priming arrangement must be fitted. If it is diesel engine driven, Easily started in cold condition (0°C by hand cranking), Fuel tank for engine shall contain sufficient to run on full load for at least 3 hrs Sufficient reserve fuel for 15 hrs, store outside the machinery space. Diesel power source of pump started in cold condition of 0° C by hand or by the power at least 6 times within a period of 30 minutes and at least twice within 1st 10 minutes. If motor driven: emergency power supply heating arrangement to be provided. Tank to have sufficient fuel for at least 3 hours and reserve fuel outside main machinery space to allow the pump to run for additional 15 hours. Isolation to allow the pump to run for additional 15 hours not more than 40 meters to pressure integrity of fire main system.(Diameter of fire main: sufficient for maximum discharge from 2 pumps operating simultaneously except for cargo ship the diameter need be sufficient for a discharge of 140 m3 / hour.
Regulation 44:- Starting arrangements for emergency generating sets:
1 Emergency generating sets shall be capable of being readily started in their cold condition at a temperature of 0 deg. C. If this is impracticable, or if lower temperatures are likely to be encountered, provision acceptable to the Administration shall be made for the maintenance of heating arrangements, to ensure ready starting of the generating sets. 2 Each emergency generating set arranged to be automatically started shall be equipped with starting devices approved by the Administration with a stored energy capability of at least three consecutive starts. A second source of energy shall be provided for an additional three starts within 30 min unless manual starting can be demonstrated to be effective. 2.1 Ships constructed on or after 1 October 1994, in lieu of the provision of the second sentence of paragraph 2, shall comply with the following requirements: The source of stored energy shall be protected to preclude critical depletion by the automatic starting system, unless a second independent means of starting is provided. In addition, a second source of energy shall be provided for an additional three starts within 30 min unless manual starting can be demonstrated to be effective. 3 The stored energy shall be maintained at all times, as follows: .1 electrical and hydraulic starting systems shall be maintained from the emergency switchboard; .2 compressed air starting systems may be maintained by the main or auxiliary compressed air receivers through a suitable non-return valve or by an emergency air compressor which, if electrically driven, is supplied from the emergency switchboard; .3 all of these starting, charging and energy storing devices shall be located in the emergency generator space; these devices are not to be used for any purpose other than the operation of the emergency generating set. This does not preclude the supply to the air receiver of the emergency generating set from the main or auxiliary compressed air system through the non-return valve fitted in the emergency generator space. 4.1 Where automatic starting is not required, manual starting is permissible, such as manual cranking, inertia starters, manually charged hydraulic accumulators, or powder charge cartridges, where they can be demonstrated as being effective. 4.2 When manual starting is not practicable, the requirements of paragraphs 2 and 3 shall be complied with except that starting may be manually initiated.
58. Most important thing to consider in liquid fire.
Ans:- Theory of oil combustion The burning area of oil tank usually can be divided into three layers, fire layer, mixture layer of air and flammable vapor and oil liquid layer. In oil combustion, the negative pressure will occur at certain area because of consumption of oxygen and it inhales surrounding cold air into this area, which will mix with flammable vapor and form mixture layer. The existence of mixed layer makes the flame wave and its combustion rate gradually tends to a constant value. The mixed layer is influenced by diffusion velocity of surface vapor, in other words that the diffusion velocity of surface vapor determines the process of combustion. In the process of combustion, part of heat diffuses to the outside through the thermal radiation and heat convection when others feed backs to the surface of oil through heat conduction of tank wall, heat convection of hot smoke and thermal radiation of flame. It keeps flammable vapor producing steadily from surface and propels combustion. Combustion of vapor, heat feedback and evaporation are three related and circulatory links and only intervene this loop and slow its process, the combustion could be stopped. Analysis of difficulty in suppressing oil tank fire (1) The strong airflow will occur in oil tank fire. The characteristics of the flame are closely related to diameter of the tank, the nature of the liquid and liquid level. When the liquid level is high, the flame is torch-like shape and cold air enters combustion area from sides. With the combustion, the cold air will rise as well as mix with vapor through the centre of liquid surface when the liquid level decreases to 80%. By this time, the rising airflow blows part of lightweight foam and it causes the foam is hard to adhere to the surface. In addition to the airflow, the bad wind weather could also form resistance to jet foam and will blows the foam adhered to surface, which causes loss of effective foam. In order to solve the above problems, heavyweight and high-injection pressure foam is needed. At the same time, producing more foam can has effect under certain provided condition. (2) In oil tank fire, there are high temperature and long suppressing time. The flame temperature is above 1000 deg cel. in continuous oil tank fire. When the foam doesn’t completely cover the oil surface, the gas inside foam will break the foam because of thermal expand. The high temperature will reduce viscosity of liquid which distribute between foam films and promote the liquid withdrawal rate. When the foam doesn’t completely cover the oil surface, the oil tank is still in state of high temperature which could promote the evaporation. A channel will be formed when vapor rises through foam layer. It will break the air tightness of foam layer and induces the oil rekindle. These problems both can weaken the performance of foam. Based on the above analysis, the efficiency of suppressing fire can be increased by using the foam which has good burn resistance and long drainage time. In addition, if the foam covered on the surface is thick, this problem also can be relieved.
59. Preparation before entering Dry dock?
Ans:- 1. Shore Electrical Supply - To check whether dry dock supply is compatible with the ship's voltage, frequency, and phase sequence and to arrange connection after checking interlock.
2. Utility Services - In the event of a ship's generator, domestic fridge, auxiliary condenser, or sanitary system required to be used, in the dry dock, then arrangements must be made to pipe shore water into those systems and discharge to the shore facility tank.
3. Fire Protection - Fire connection to be made to the International Fire Connection main and to sprinkler system connected to it.
4. Impressed current system, Fresh Water generator, Oily bilge separator to be put off.
5. Information required :
a) Gas-free certificates must be obtained for any empty fuel tanks etc. that are to be worked in the dry dock.
b) Before entering the dry dock, all tanks and bilges are sounded and recorded. Any transferring considered necessary should be carried out in advance. Since tank soundings just prior to dry docking are logged, any fuel and water consumed in the dock and its effect on trim and heel may be determined, from the tables of hydro-static data and loading table.
2. Utility Services - In the event of a ship's generator, domestic fridge, auxiliary condenser, or sanitary system required to be used, in the dry dock, then arrangements must be made to pipe shore water into those systems and discharge to the shore facility tank.
3. Fire Protection - Fire connection to be made to the International Fire Connection main and to sprinkler system connected to it.
4. Impressed current system, Fresh Water generator, Oily bilge separator to be put off.
5. Information required :
a) Gas-free certificates must be obtained for any empty fuel tanks etc. that are to be worked in the dry dock.
b) Before entering the dry dock, all tanks and bilges are sounded and recorded. Any transferring considered necessary should be carried out in advance. Since tank soundings just prior to dry docking are logged, any fuel and water consumed in the dock and its effect on trim and heel may be determined, from the tables of hydro-static data and loading table.
60. SOPEP (Shipboard oil pollution emergency plan) Items list?
Ans: Items in SOPEP
SOPEP contains the following things:
The action plan contains the duty of each crew member at the time of the spill, including emergency muster and actions.
The general information about the ship and the owner of the ship etc.
Steps and procedures to contain the discharge of oil into the sea using SOPEP equipment.
The inventory of the SOPEP material provided for pollution prevention such as oil absorbent pads, sawdust bags, booms etc.
Onboard reporting procedure and requirement in case of an oil spill.
Authorities to contact.
Drawing of various fuel lines, along with other oil lines onboard vessel with the positioning of vents, save all trays etc.
The general arrangement of the ship including the location of all the oil tanks with capacity, content etc.
The location of the SOPEP locker and contents of the locker with a list of inventory,
Guidance to keep the records of the pollution incident (for liability, compensation and insurance purposes)
Material for Reference from essential organisations (guidelines issued by ICS, OCIMF, SIGTTO, INTERTANKO, etc.)
Procedures for testing various plans described in the SOPEP.
Procedure to maintain the record as required by the authorities.
Details of when and how to review the plan.
a. Saw dust
b. Scupper plug
c. Sorbent pillows
d. Nitrile protective gloves
e. Quick absorbent pads
f. Brushes
g. Non-Spark Scoop
h. Non-Spark Pump
i. Weldon Pump
j. Buckets
k. Heavy-duty Brooms
l. OSD (oil spill Dispersant)
m. Cotton Rags
n. Drum to collect oil 200ltr capacity.
61. Entries of ORB with codes and who all sing on it?
Ans: Usage of code C.11: Collection of oil residues (sludge). Usage of code C.12: Disposal or Transfer of oil residues (sludge). Usage of code D: Non-automatic starting of discharge overboard, transfer or disposal otherwise of bilge water which has accumulated in machinery spaces. Usage of code E: Automatic starting of discharge overboard, transfer or disposal otherwise of bilge water which has accumulated in machinery spaces. Usage of code F: Condition of oil filtering equipment. Usage of code G: Accidental or other exceptional discharges of oil. Usage of code H: Bunkering of fuel or bulk lubricating oil. Usage of code I: Additional operational procedures and general remarks. This guidance only includes sections C to I. 1. Operations should be recorded in chronological order as they have been executed on board. 2. Dates should be entered in dd/mm/yyyy format, e.g. 16-MAR-2009. 3. Incineration or landing ashore of oily garbage and used filters should be recorded in the Garbage Record Book only. 4. All Entries are to be made and signed by the officer or officers in charge of the operations concerned and each completed page shall be signed by the master of the ship. 5. Do not leave any full lines empty between successive entries. 6. If a wrong entry has been recorded in the Oil Record Book (ORB), it should immediately be struck through with a single line in such a way that the wrong entry is still legible. The wrong entry should be signed and dated, with the new corrected entry following. 7. Tank nomenclature should be recorded as per the format noted within the International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOPPC). 8. Recording of quantities retained in bilge water holding tanks listed under section 3.3 of the IOPPC is voluntary and not required by the Convention. 9. The recording of general maintenance of items pertaining to the OWS remains voluntary and is not required to be recorded in the ORB.
62. Preparation while Entering dry dock?
Ans: 1. The ship should be upright and trimmed slightly by the stern, empty of Cargo, with a minimum free surface in the tanks.
2. The ship is lined up over the keel blocks by permanent marks on the dock gates and head or by plumb lines.
3. As the dock water is pumped out, the ship should land on a after blocks, and the reaction on the stern of the ship increases until the ship is just about to touch all along the blocks. side shores are fitted aligning with bulkheads or frames.
4. All the tank soundings are taken again to ensure there is no damage to any tanks due to the sitting on the Keel block.
5. Shore electrical connections and other service connections are made.
2. The ship is lined up over the keel blocks by permanent marks on the dock gates and head or by plumb lines.
3. As the dock water is pumped out, the ship should land on a after blocks, and the reaction on the stern of the ship increases until the ship is just about to touch all along the blocks. side shores are fitted aligning with bulkheads or frames.
4. All the tank soundings are taken again to ensure there is no damage to any tanks due to the sitting on the Keel block.
5. Shore electrical connections and other service connections are made.
63. Name any four teams on board to tackle various emergency ? Their duties ? Who all in Command team?
Ans: Structure and Function of Emergency Response Teams:- The basic structure of any emergency team will usually comprise four sub-groups.
(i) The Command team:- The command center will be located on bridge. The master is to take responsibility for the overall safety and navigation of the ship. All communications will be performed from here to the different teams as well as shore. A log must be maintained of all events.
(ii) The Emergency Team:- The Emergency Team will have the front line job of tackling the emergency. In general the chief officer will lead the team for the emergency on deck while the 2nd engineer will take charge for engine room emergencies. The duties of each person will have to be laid down and practiced for every emergency so as to avoid duplication, confusion, and chaos.
(iii) The Back Up Squad:- The Support Team is to provide first aid and prepare the lifeboats for lowering. Should the above two function not be required, they should assist as directed.
(iv) The Technical Team:- The Technical, or Engineer's, Team will maintain the propulsion and maneuvering capability of the ship and auxiliary services as far as is possible in the circumstances.
64. What is clear ground? Provision under which port state control charry out detailed inspection?
Ans:- Clear ground:- Evidence that the ship, its equipment or its crew does not correspond substantially with the requirement of relevant convention, or that the master or crew are not familiar with essential ship board procedures relating to the safety of ship or prevention of pollution.
Clear grounds to conduct a more detailed inspection include:- (a) Absence of principle equipment on arrangement required by convention. (b) Evidence that the ship's log, manual or other required documentation are not on board or falsely maintained. (c) Evidence of a certificate is invalid. (d) Evidence of serious damage to the hull or structure leads to risk the structural, watertight or weather tight integrity of ship. (e) Deficiency in the safety, pollution prevention or navigational equipment. (f) evidence that the master or crew is not familiarized with the key shipboard operations relating to the safety or pollution prevention. (g) Crew member is not able to communicate with each other. (h) Absence of an up to date muster list, fire control plan.
65. Intact stability?
Ans: For tankers, cargo and Passanger ships
1 Every oil tanker of 5,000 dwt and above delivered on/after 1 Feb 2002, shall comply with the intact stability criteria.
1. In port, the initial GM, shall be not less than 0.15 m;
2. At sea, the following criteria shall be applicable:
a. the area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) shall be not less than 0.055 m·rad up to 30° angle of heel.
and not less than 0.09 m-rad from angle of flooding up to θ = 40°.
Additionally, the area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) between the angles of heel of 30° and 40° or between 30° and angle of flooding (if than 40°), shall be not less than 0.03 m-rad;
b. the righting lever GZ shall be at least 0.20 m at an angle of heel equal to or greater than 30°;
c. the maximum righting arm shall occur at an angle of heel preferably exceeding 30° but not less than 25°; and
d. the initial GM, corrected for free surface measured at 0° heel, shall be not less than 0.15 m.
Additional criteria for passenger ships:
.1 upon grounding angle of heel should not exceed 10deg.
.2 angle of heel on turning should not exceed 10 deg.
66. Inspections in dry dock?
Ans: 1. To clean the hull of marine growth to reduce ship resistance, thereby increase speed and minimize fuel consumption. Anodes and reference electrodes are to be covered.
2. Docking survey of Hull and machinery as per the requirement of classification society to maintain 'class'.
3. Hull Inspection- All underwater parts of the hull are inspected for damage and corrosion. Distorts dent are observed and inspection of the inside of the ship is carried out to determine internal damage if any. Serious dents are to be repaired and thinned plate sections are to be strengthened by doubler plate or stiffeners. Distorted bilge keels to be faired and their attachment to the hull checked. All dent positions and repairs are to be logged.
4. Corrosion - All cathodic protection systems should be checked for the security of attachment worn sacrificial anodes should be renewed if necessary. Particular attention to be paid at the forefoot, at the aft end in way of stern frame, and on twin-screw ships around propeller 'A' brackets for corrosion and cracks. Edges of weld to check for corrosion attack.
5. Rudder- To check rudder drop (maximum about 19 mm) between the rudder stock and carrier bearing. To check pintle clearance, security of palm coupling, and condition of stock (crack), To remove the rudder drain plug to check if water has gone inside. After repair, it is tested by a water head of 2.5 meters above the rudder top surface. An internal oil coat is given before closing the drain plug.
6. Propeller- Propeller to be examined for erosion due to cavitation, cracks, and bent blades, CP blade bolts and cone connection to be checked. Blades to be polished, edges to be rounded.
7. Stern Gear- Stern tube bearing wear out and oil seal condition to inspect.
8.Underwater Valves, Sea chests- All underwater valves (injections and discharges), Valve grids, and ship's boxes should be examined from the dock bottom to ensure the grids are clear and secure. The valve body, valve lid, valve seal, and spindle to examine and overhaul and replace damaged parts.
9. Anchors and Cables- Lowered on the dock floor for a special survey. Corrosion and wastage if greater than 11%, then defective length to replace as also in the case of cracks in any link Joining shackles are parted and checked. When reassembling, the pins require to be re-sealed with a lead pellet.
2. Docking survey of Hull and machinery as per the requirement of classification society to maintain 'class'.
3. Hull Inspection- All underwater parts of the hull are inspected for damage and corrosion. Distorts dent are observed and inspection of the inside of the ship is carried out to determine internal damage if any. Serious dents are to be repaired and thinned plate sections are to be strengthened by doubler plate or stiffeners. Distorted bilge keels to be faired and their attachment to the hull checked. All dent positions and repairs are to be logged.
4. Corrosion - All cathodic protection systems should be checked for the security of attachment worn sacrificial anodes should be renewed if necessary. Particular attention to be paid at the forefoot, at the aft end in way of stern frame, and on twin-screw ships around propeller 'A' brackets for corrosion and cracks. Edges of weld to check for corrosion attack.
5. Rudder- To check rudder drop (maximum about 19 mm) between the rudder stock and carrier bearing. To check pintle clearance, security of palm coupling, and condition of stock (crack), To remove the rudder drain plug to check if water has gone inside. After repair, it is tested by a water head of 2.5 meters above the rudder top surface. An internal oil coat is given before closing the drain plug.
6. Propeller- Propeller to be examined for erosion due to cavitation, cracks, and bent blades, CP blade bolts and cone connection to be checked. Blades to be polished, edges to be rounded.
7. Stern Gear- Stern tube bearing wear out and oil seal condition to inspect.
8.Underwater Valves, Sea chests- All underwater valves (injections and discharges), Valve grids, and ship's boxes should be examined from the dock bottom to ensure the grids are clear and secure. The valve body, valve lid, valve seal, and spindle to examine and overhaul and replace damaged parts.
9. Anchors and Cables- Lowered on the dock floor for a special survey. Corrosion and wastage if greater than 11%, then defective length to replace as also in the case of cracks in any link Joining shackles are parted and checked. When reassembling, the pins require to be re-sealed with a lead pellet.
68. Cross curve of stability?
Ans: - When the heel angle is greater than 10 °. Then the principles on which initial stability were based are no longer true. Assumptions were made that the two water planes intersect at centre line and the wedges are right angled triangles. Those assumptions can not be made for a large angle of heel and the stability of the ship is determined from first principle. - Since the actual position of G is not known, thus it is assumed at some convenient position above keel. Sections through the ship are drawn at intervals along the ships length. These sections are inclined to an angle say 15°. - The integrator is set with its axis in the verticle through G. The outline of each section is traced by integrator up to a given water line and the displacement and rightening lever obtained. This is repeated for different waterlines and for angles of 30°, 45°, 60°, 70° & 90°. - The GZ values at each angle are plotted on the base of displacement to form the cross curves of the stability for the ship. - The displacement, height of centre of gravity and metacentric height of a ship may be calculated for any loaded condition. At this displacement the rightening lever may by obtain at respective angles for the assumed position of the centre of gravity. These values may be amended to suit the actual height of centre of gravity. - let G = assumed position of COG. G1 = actual poition of COG. if G1 lies below G, then the ship is more stable and G1Z=GZ + GG1sinθ. if G1 lies above G, then the ship is less stable and G1Z=GZ - GG1sinθ. - The amended rightening levers are plotted on a base of angle of heel to form the curve of statical stability for the ship in this condition of loading.
69. What is the purpose of the stability booklet. List out the information the stability booklet is provided with.
Ans: The stability booklet is a ship special document which gives all the stability particulars of the particular ship so that the Master and other officers concerned in the operation of the ship can safely carry out the functions of loading, stowing cargo and ballasting of the ship so that the voyage is executed safely and confidently. For this purpose the stability booklet is provided with the following tabulated information: (1)Displacement (2)C.B. below designed W.L. (3)C.B. abaft/ fwd amidships. (4)C.F. abaft/fwd amidships (5)Transverse metacentre above designed W.L. (6) Tonnes per cm immersion. (7)Longitudinal metacentre above designed W.L. (8) Moment to change trim 1 cm Tabular statements for the cross curves of stability : * The KM values for angles of heel 00,150,300,450,600,750 and900 at summer draft, tropical draft and ballast draft. If it is a self trimming bulk carrier , grain shift moments for all holds in tabular format. At least four to six worked examples of cargo types loading , giving the initial GM, trim condition with drafts forward and aft. The GZ curves of statical stability for departure and arrival condition. One of the worked examples will be the ballast condition. The data and results of the inclining experiment will also be included in the annexe. Apart from this information if it is a B-60 or B-100 Bulk carrier , the working and result of the damage stability condition will be given
70. MLC?
Ans: Following titles under MLC
1. Minimum requirement for seafarers to work onboard ship.
.a Minimum age
.b Medical certificate
.c Training & Qualification
.d Recruitment & Placement
2. Condition of Employment.
.a Seafarer's employment of agreement.
.b Wages
.c Hours of work & rest
.d Entitle to leave
.e Repatriation
.f Seafarer's compensation for ship's loss or foundering.
.g Manning levels.
.h Carrier and skill development & Opportunities for seafarers.
3. Accommodation, recreation facility, food & catering.
.a Accommodation & recreation facility
.b Food & catering.
4. Health protection, Medical care, welfare and social security protection.
.a Medical care on board ship & ashore.
.b ship owner's liability.
.c Health & safety protection & accident prevention.
.d Access to shore base welfare facilities.
.e Social security.
5. Compliance & Enforcement
.a Flag state responsibilities.
.b Port state responsibilities.
.c Labor supply responsibilities
71. Sprinkler system Maintenance?
Ans: Following are the maintenance to be carried out on sprinkler system:
1. Daily: Tank level & panel indicator.
2. Weekly, Monthly & 3 Monthly: Section and Tank Alarm tryout, Valve operation, Condition of sprinkler head.
3. 6-Monthly/Yearly: Auto start of seawater pump, discharge test, cross over from main line.
4. 2.5 Yearly; Relief valve of shore connection line.
5. 5-yealy: Tank Inspection.
6. 10-Yealy: Pressure testing.
72. Details of Hype mist system?
Ans: Solas chapter-II Part C
1. for passenger ship of> 150GT
2. For Cargo ship of > 2000GT
3. Machinery space of volume> 500 m-cube
In the UMS ship both auto & manual activation.
.a for engines, Boilers, Incinerators & purifiers.
.b Audio visual alarm for detection & operation.
.c Supply of water for 30Min after discharge ready in 5min.
.d redundant pumping means and power supply from emergency switch board.
.e control outside Machinery space.
High pressure pump i.e plunger pump with 200l/min at 70 Bar.
Flame and smoke detectors.
Fresh water tank to high pressure pump to motorizing valve to Nozzle.
.a water mist is non-toxic
.b much higher cooling effect
.c reduces O2 concentration adjacent to fuel surface by air displacement, air dilution & O2 depletion.
.d Less sensitive to ventilation and opening.
73. Checks before leaving the dry dock?
Ans: Just before flooding the dock, all underwater fittings are checked to see they are satisfactorily boxed up and all double bottom tank drain plugs checked to ensure they are replaced and properly tightened.
Before flooding, tank soundings are taken, so that any adjustments to heel and trim requires (due to modification, fuel burnt or flood water cleaned, etc.) can be made, to bring the ship in Stable condition.
Before flooding, tank soundings are taken, so that any adjustments to heel and trim requires (due to modification, fuel burnt or flood water cleaned, etc.) can be made, to bring the ship in Stable condition.
On flooding, constant checks have to be made to the following for any leakage or abnormality -
1. All underwater valves, shipside valves, sea chests gratings fittings.
2. Stern tube to watch for leaks. Stern gland, rudder stock gland to be equipped, if leak shows.
3. Impressed current system anodes, position of hull repairs, fuel tanks, D.B Tank soundings, etc. to be checked to ensure everything is all right.
1. All underwater valves, shipside valves, sea chests gratings fittings.
2. Stern tube to watch for leaks. Stern gland, rudder stock gland to be equipped, if leak shows.
3. Impressed current system anodes, position of hull repairs, fuel tanks, D.B Tank soundings, etc. to be checked to ensure everything is all right.
74. Explain the following terms: Double Bottom., Sheer strake, Garboard strake. and Shell Expansion plan.
Ans: Double bottom is the space contained between the bottom plating and the inner bottom plating of the hull. This space is subdivided into tanks for the purpose of storage of ballast water, fresh water and/pr bunkers including lub oils. The double bottom space is strengthened by floors(transverse) and intercostals(longitudinal). The storage space helps in improving the transverse stability by bringing the G of the ship more down , thereby improving the GM. Sheer Strake: the top most ship side strake or plate of the hull. It is called sheer strake because it follows the deck sheer line. Garboard Strake:- It is the strake adjacent to the keel strake at the bottom of the hull , one on the port side and another on the starboard side. Shell expansion plan:- It is a two dimensional drawing of a three dimensional surface of the ship’s hull form. It is developed from the ship’s line plan with the contour lines erected straight on the base line representing the ship’s length. The contour lines on the lines plan are located at corresponding stations indicated by corresponding frame numbers on the length of the base line. When the ends of the vertical lines on the baseline are joined by a continuous line , the shell expansion outline is obtained. The represented surface is then properly marked by parallel lines both vertical and horizontal lines so that they correspond exactly to the number of strakes forming one half of the hull surface. The strakes are marked with letters A,B,C ,etc vertically starting from sheer strake as strake A and ending with keel as strake R eg. The strake numbers are staring from 1 at the stern end to any ending number at the forward bow. Each strake is there fore indicated by a letter to show its level , a number to show its position . This plan is very useful for the following information: (a) It is used for marking the location of a hull Damage on this plan by identifying the strake number , letter and frame number so that the exact location of the damage and also suggested repairs are marked in a localised copy. (b)The shell expansion can be used for finding areas of painting surfaces such as topside, boot topping and bottom areas by applying Simpsons rules directly. In the shell expansion the vertical scale used is different from the horizontal scale and a suitable adjustment has to be made when calculating areas. This becomes useful in solving disputes concerning areas of preparation and painting. (c) It gives information on the thickness of the original strake which is indicated by the number in the circle shown in the strake. The quality of steel used is also shown by letters A,B,D E and AH, BH,DH, EH
75. Types of training Manual onboard?
Ans: Training Manuals:
1. Drills Training Manual
2. SOLAS Safety Training Manual
3. USA ECP Environmental Training Manual
4. Energy Efficiency Training Manual
5. EPA VGP Training Manual
6. MLC Training Manual
7. POLAR Training Manual
8. Risk Training Manual
9. SOLAS Fire Training Manual
Other Manuals:
1. SOLAS Maintenance Manual
2. Fuel Oil Management Manual
3. Ship To Ship (STS) Transfer Manual
4. USA – Vessel General Permit (VGP) Manual
5. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Manual
6. ECDIS Management Manual
7. Procedures & Arrangements (P&A) Manual
8. Persons Recovery from Water Manual
9. Cargo Securing Manual
76. Marpol annex-I?
Ans: Regulation 12 Tanks for oil residues (sludge)
Regulation 13 Standard discharge connection
Regulation 14 Oil filtering equipment
Regulation 15 Control of discharge of oil
Regulation 16 Segregation of oil and water ballast and carriage of oil in forepeak tanks Regulation 17 Oil Record Book, Part I - Machinery space operations
Regulation 18 Segregated ballast tanks
Regulation 19 Double hull and double bottom requirements for oil tankers delivered on or after 6 July 1996
Regulation 20 Double hull and double bottom requirements for oil tankers delivered before 6 July 1996
Regulation 21 Prevention of oil pollution from oil tankers carrying heavy grade oil as cargo
Regulation 27 Intact stability
Regulation 28 Subdivision and damage stability
Regulation 29 Slop tanks
Regulation 30 Pumping, piping, and discharge arrangement
Regulation 31 Oil discharge monitoring and control system
Regulation 32 Oil/water interface detector
Regulation 33 Crude oil washing requirements
Regulation 34 Control of discharge of oil
Regulation 35 Crude oil washing operations
Regulation 36 Oil Record Book, Part II - Cargo/ballast operations
Regulation 37 Shipboard oil pollution emergency plan
Regulation 38 Reception facilities
77. Explain LLMC Convention.
Ans:- 1. LLMC- convention on limitation of liabilities for maritime claims:- Adaptation on 19-November 1976 & entry into force on 01-December-1986. {SDR- special drawing rights: the currency value of SDR is determined by summing the values in U.S dollars, based on market exchange rates of a basket of major currencies. Amendments to 1996 protocol, adaptation on 19-April-2012 & entry into force on 08-June-2015.
Limits are specified for two types of claims:-
(i). loss of life or personal injury.
(ii). property claims- damage to other ships, property or harbour work. Under the amendments to the 1996 Protocol, the limits are raised as follows:
(i) The limit of liability for claims for loss of life or personal injury on ships not exceeding 2,000 gross tonnages is 3.02 million SDR (up from 2 million SDR). For larger ships, the following additional amounts are used in calculating the limitation amount:
• For each ton from 2,001 to 30,000 tons, 1,208 SDR (up from 800 SDR)
• For each ton from 30,001 to 70,000 tons, 906 SDR (up from 600 SDR)
• For each ton in excess of 70,000, 604 SDR (up from 400 SDR).
(ii) The limit of liability for property claims for ships not exceeding 2,000 gross tonnages is 1.51 million SDR (up from 1 million SDR). For larger ships, the following additional amounts are used in calculating the limitation amount:
• For each ton from 2,001 to 30,000 tons, 604 SDR (up from 400 SDR)
• For each ton from 30,001 to 70,000 tons, 453 SDR (up from 300 SDR)
• For each ton in excess of 70,000 tons, 302 SDR (up from 200 SDR).
78. Explain CLC Convention.
Ans: CLC- Civil liability for oil pollution damage. Adaptation on 29-11-1969 & entered into force on 19-June-1975.
Application:- 1. this Convention applies to the owner of a ship, which has caused oil pollution damage in the territorial sea, EEZ of a state, Including preventive measured taken to minimize such damages.
2. It shall not apply to warships & any other ship owned or operated by a state & used only as a government non-commercial service.
3. If more than one ship is involved in an incident & if their liabilities for payment of compensation are not reasonably separable, then all ships, except those ships which are exempted as stated below, shall be jointly & severely liable.
Ship:- Oil tankers, which is actually carrying bulk oil cargo or oil residue of previous cargo.
Oil:- any persistent hydrocarbon material oil carried as cargo or bunkers such as mineral oil carried as cargo or bunkers such as crude, fuel heavy diesel & lube oil.
Pollution damage:- damage caused due to the escape or discharge of oil outside the ship, provided that compensation payable shall be limited to the following costs:-
(a) Reasonable measures are taken for reinstatement of the environment.
(b) Preventive measures are taken to reduce or mitigate the pollution.
(c) Owner shall not be liable for pollution damage if it occurs due to the following acts:-
-war, hostilities, civil war or Insurrection.
-natural phenomena of an exceptional, inevitable and irresistible character.
-Sabotage by a third party.
The owner may not be liable for the damage claim of this party but shall still be liable for the damage claim of other parties. - Negligence or wrongful act of government or other authority responsible for maintenance of navigational aids.
Following persons shall not be liable for any compensation claim unless the damage was caused due to an act of sabotage of them
(i) Servant or Agent of the owner
(ii) Ships crew
(iii) Pilot or any performing service for the ship
(iv) Charter including bareboat charter
(v) Manager or operator.
(vi) Salver functioning on the instruction of the owner or competent public authority.
(vii) Servant of the Charter, salver or a person taking preventive measures.
The 2000 Amendments. Adoption on 18-October-2000 & Entry into force on 01-November-2003 The amendments raised the compensation limits by 50% compared to the limits set in the 1992 Protocol, as follows:
(a) For a ship not exceeding 5,000 gross tonnages, liability is limited to 4.51 million SDR (US$5.78 million)
(b) For a ship 5,000 to 140,000 gross tonnage: liability is limited to 4.51 million SDR plus 631 SDR for each additional gross tonne over 5,000
(c) For a ship over 140,000 gross tonnages: liability is limited to 89.77 million SDR CREATION OF FUND (Articles V and VI)
• After a pollution incident, the owner or his insurer shall create a fund by depositing the total amount of his liability, or a bank guarantee for the same amount, with the local court or authority.
• The amount shall be calculated in the national currency in accordance with the method of valuation of SDR as applied by IMF, or valuation of the gold franc as decided by the State who is not a member of IMF.
• The court shall distribute the amount equitably amongst the claimants.
• If the owner or any other authorised person has paid compensation to another person before the actual distribution could be done, then the former person shall acquire by subrogation the rights of the latter person.
• If the owner incurs expenses to prevent or minimise damage, then he shall also have an equal claim against the fund constituted by him.
• Once the fund is constituted, no person claiming damage shall have any right on any other assets of the owner and the court shall release the ship or any other property, which was arrested in respect of such damage claim.
• Owner of a ship carrying > 2000 tons of bulk oil cargo shall maintain an insurance cover to the extent of the limit of his liability.
• A Certificate of Insurance shall be issued to the ship by the Flag State, or. may be issued by any State which is Party to the Convention, in the prescribed form, as proof that the ship is adequately insured. Its validity shall not be more than the validity of the insurance. It shall be in the language of the Flag State and also in English or French.
• No ship shall engage in trading and not enter or leave port, while actually carrying > 2000 tons of bulk oil cargo unless the above certificate is in force.
• A ship owned by the State need not be insured but it shall be issued with the certificate of insurance stating that the ship's liability is covered by the State.
• The insurer can:-
(i) Claim benefit of the limit of the liability even if the owner is not so entitled.
(ii) Invoke any defence, which the owner is entitled to do so, other than bankruptcy.
(iii) Invoke the defence that damage resulted due to the willful misconduct of the owner.
(iv) Insist that the owner be joined, in the proceedings.
• If an action for compensation is not brought within 3 years of the date of the pollution incident, then all rights for such claims are extinguished.
• In any case no action can be brought 6 years after the date of the incident.
79. Explain FUND Convention.
Ans: Fund Convention- IOPC funds Under the regime the owner of a tanker is liable to pay compensation up to a certain limit for oil pollution damage following an escape of persistent oil from his ship. If that amount does not cover all the admissible claims, further compensation is available from the 1992 Fund if the damage occurs in a State which is a Member of that Fund. Additional compensation may also be available from the Supplementary Fund if the State is a Member of that Fund as well. Under the 1992 Protocol, the maximum amount of compensation payable from the Fund for a single incident, including the limit established under the 1992 CLC Protocol, is 135 million SDR. There are at present three IOPC Funds: the 1971 Fund, the 1992 Fund and the Supplementary Fund. These three intergovernmental organisations were established at different times (1978,1996 and 2005 respectively), have different maximum amounts of compensation and have different Member States. The 2003 Protocol (supplementary fund) established an additional, third tier of compensation. The Protocol is optional and participation is open to all States Parties to the 1992 Fund Convention. The total amount of compensation payable for any one incident will be limited to a combined total of 750 million Special Drawing Rights (SDR)
80. Explain HNS fund convention
Ans: The HNS Convention (Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea Convention) is an international convention created in 1996 to compensate for damages caused by spillage of hazardous and noxious substances during maritime transportation. The convention is officially known as the International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea, 1996. In case of any accidents or mishaps occurring while the vessel is at sea resulting in maritime contamination, the country whose waters have been affected has occurred stands to get the necessary monetary compensation. The terms and conditions about the compensatory policies of the convention can be further pinpointed as follows:
• Two-level compensatory system identifying both the vessel owner/operator and the receiving party of the hazardous substances as principal compensatory contributors
• Mandatory insurance policy required to be produced by vessel owners of all countries which are a part of the shipping convention
• The first level of compensatory contribution is required to be borne by the vessel owner to the extent of US$ 175 million
• The second level of compensatory contribution is required by the receiving party of the shipped cargo to the extent of US$ 375 million
• The second level of compensation will be offered to the claimants to' the extent of the amount not compensated by the first level of compensatory allowance The maximum amount payable by the HNS Fund in respect of any single incident is 250 million SDR, including the sum paid by the shipowner or his insurer.
The HNS Convention has still not been formally implemented as several countries in the world are yet to ratify it. As per the rules of ratification, the convention will formally enter into force one and a half years post the signature of 12 countries signing the ratification agreement. Even among these signatories, there have to be:
• Four member countries which have a vessel tonnage of two million gross tons
• Four member countries which have recorded shipping activities of 40 million tons of such aforementioned hazardous substances in the year immediately preceding their ratification
• Presently Canada, Turkey, Netherlands, Denmark, Greece, France, Germany and Norway are the eight countries that have ratified the HNS Convention.
81. Explain Bunker convention.
Ans: Bunker Convention 2001 Strict Liability Régime-Bunker Convention was adopted to ensure that adequate, prompt, and effective compensation is available to persons who suffer damage caused by spills of oil, when carried as fuel in ships' bunkers. The Convention applies to damage caused on the territory, Including the territorial sea, and in exclusive economic zones of States Parties. The bunkers convention provides a free-standing instrument covering pollution damage only. A brief is stated below. BUNKER CONVENTION, 2001: - International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage (BUNKER) was Adopted on 23 March 2001; & was Entered Into force on 21st November 2008.The Convention was adopted to ensure that adequate, prompt, and elfective compensation Is available to persons who suffer damage caused by spills of oil, when carried as luel in ships' bunkers. The Convention applies to damage caused on the territory, including the territorial sea, and in exclusive economic zones of States Parties. The bunkers convention provides a free-standing instrument covering pollution daniage only. "Pollution damage" means: • Loss or damage caused outside the ship by contamination resulting from the escape or discharge of bunker oil from the ship, wherever such escape or discharge may occur, provided that compensation for impairment of the environment other than loss of profit from such Impairment shall be limited to costs of reasonable measures of reinstatement actually undertaken or to be undertaken; and • The costs of preventive measures and further loss or damage caused by preventive measures. The convention is modelled on the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969. As with that convention, a key requirement in the bunkers conventiori is the need for the registered owner of a vessel to maintain compulsory Insurance cover. Another key provision is the requirement ror direct action - this would allow a claim for compensation for pollution damage to be brought directly against an insurer. The Convention requires ships over 1,000 gross tonnage to maintain insurance or other financial security, such as the guarantee of a bank or similar financial institution, to cover the liability of the registered owner for pollution damage in an amount equal to the limits of liability under the applicable national or international limitation regime, but in all cases, not exceeding an amount calculated in accordance with the Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims, 1976, as amended.
82. Explain Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention,
Ans: Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention 2007 The Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks, 2007, was adopted by an international conference held in Kenya in 2007 and a treaty of the IMO. he Convention will provide the legal basis for States to remove, or have removed, shipwrecks that may have the potential to affect adversely the safety of lives, goods and property at sea, as well as the marine environment. The Convention will nill a gap in the existing international legal framework by providing the first set of uniform international rules aimed at ensuring the prompt and eflective removal of wrecks located beyond the territorial sea. Articles in the Convention cover: • reporting and locating ships and wreckS - Covering the reporting of casualties to the nearest coastal State; wamings to mariners and coastal States about the wreck; and action by the coastal State to locate the ship or wreck; • citeria for determining the hazard posed by wrecks, including depth of water above the wreck, proximity or shipping rautes, traffic density and Frequency, type of traffic and vulnerability of port facilities. Environmental criteria such as damage likely to result from the release into the marine environ ment of cargo or oil are also induded; - measures to facilitate the removal of wrecks, including rights and obligations to remove hazardous ships and wrecks - which sets out when the shipowner is responsible for removing the wreck and when a State may intervene; • lia bility of the owner for the costs of locating, marking and removing ships and wrecks - the registered shipowner is required to maintain compulsory insurance or other financial security to cover liability under the convention; and • settlement of disputes. The convention entered into force on 14 April 2015 after being ratiried by ten states.
83. Explain AFS Convention
Ans: AFS Convention International Convention on the Control of Harmful AnEl-fouling Systems on Ships - AFS 2001 Adoption: 5 October 2001; Entry into force: 17 September 2008 The Convention prohibits the use or harmrul organotins in anti-fouling paints used on ships and establishes a mechanism to prevent the potential Future use df other harmful substances in anti-fouling systems. Anti-fouling paints are used to coat the battoms of ships to prevent sea life suchas algae and molluscs attaching themselves to the hull - thereby sIowing down the ship and increasing fuel consumption. In the early days of sailing Shipslime and later arsenic were used ta coat ships hulls, until the modern chemicals Industry developed etfective anti- fauling paints using metallic compounds. These compounds slowly "leach into the sea water, killing barnades and oher marinete that have atteched to the ship. But studies have showwn that these compounds persist in the waler killing sea-life, harm ing the environment and possibl entering the food chain One of the most effective anti-fouling paints, developed in the 1960s, contains the organotin tributyltin (TBT). which has been proven to cause delormations in oysters and sex changes in whelks. Under the terms of the AFS Convention. Parties to the Coanvention are required to prohibil and/or restnet the use of harmful anti-routing y stems on ships tying their lag. Anti-foulingsyslems to be prohibiled or controlled are tisted in an annex to the Convention, which will be updated as and when necessary. The Convention provides for the establishment of a technical oroup to include people with relevant expertige lo review proposals ror other substances used in anti-louling syslems to be prohibited or restricted. Article 6 on the process for proposing emendments to controls on anti- Fouling systems sets out how the evaluation of en anti-fouling system should be carried out.
84. Explain Dumping Convention.
Ans: Dumping Convention Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter - Dumping Convention (London) Adoption: 13 November 1972; Entry into force: 30 August 1975 1996 Protocolt Adoption: 7 November 1996; Entry Into force: 24 March 2006 "Dumping" has been defined as the deliberate disposal at sea of wastes or other matter from vessels, aircraft, platrorms or other man-made structures, as well as the deliberate disposal of these vessels or platforms themselves. Annexes list wastes which cannot be dumped and others for which a special dumping permit is required. Amendments adopted in 1993 (which entered Into force in 1994) banned the dumping into sea of low-level radioactive wastes. In addition, the amendments phased out the dumping of industrial wastes by 31 December 1995 and banned the incineration at sea of industrial wastes. The 1996 Protocol, which is meant to eventually replace the 1972 Convention, represents a major change of approach to the question of how to regulate the use of the sea as a depository for waste materials. Rather than stating which materials may not be dumped, it prohibits all dumping, except for possibly acceptable wastes on the so-called "reverse list", contained in an annex to the Protocol.It also states that "the polluter should, in principle, bear the cost of pollution" and emphasizes that Contracting Parties should ensure that the Protocol should not simply result in pollution being transferred from one part of the environment to another. The 1996 Protocol restricts all dumping except fora permitted list (which still require permits). Artide 4 states that Contracting Parties "prohibit the dumping of any wastes or other matter with the exception of those listed in Annex 1. The permitted substances are: 1. Dredged material 2 Sewage sludge 3. Fish waste, or material resulting from industrial fish processing operations 4. Vessels and platrorms or other man-made structures at sea 5. Inert, Inorganic geological material 6. Organic material of natural origin 7. Bulky items primarily comprising iron, steel, concrete and similar unharmful materlals for which the concern is' physical impact and limited to those circumstances, where such wastes are generated at locations, such as small islands with isolated communitles, having no practicable access to disposal options other than dumping & CO, streams from CO capture processes.
85. Explain Intervention Convention
Ans: Intervention Convention International Convention Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of O1l Pollution Casualties, 1969 Adoption: 29 November 1969 Entry into force: 6 May 1975 If a pollution took place on the high seas beyond the EEZ and that casualty threatens pollution of Lhe coastal waters of the state, then the concemed coastal state cannot proceed against the vessel for discharge violetion since the vessel is outside its jurisdiction. Therelore the IMO evolved the above convention Sallent points 1. The coastal state can intervene in the event of polution on the high seas, only when there is grave and imminent danger to its coastal line or Interests like fishing marine life etc. In other words such intervention in justified only an environmental grounds. 2 The intervention is limited to cases of pollution only by crude ail, fuel oil, Diesel oil and LO. but the 1973 prolocol extends to other dangerous substances also. 3. Measures taken by the coastal state shal be preceded by due consultation if the oilier states or persons whose interests are effecled as a sele quard against abuse of power. 4 The extent and degree of measures shell be proportional to the actual or future damage and shall be stopped as soon as the objective is ach ved. The consideration for this are: b) The maximum damage caused ir measures ere not taken b) The effectiveness of the planned measures c) The maximum damage the planned meesunes may cause
86. Explain OPRC Convention.
Ans: OPRC Convention International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Respanse and Co-operation -OPRC Adoption: 30 November 1990; Entry Into force: 13 May 1995 In July 1989, a conference of leading industrial nations in Paris called upon IMO to develop further measures to prevent pollution from ships. This was endorsed by the IMO Assembly a convention almed at providing a global framework for international co-operation in combating major incidents or threats of marine pollution evolved. Parties to the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation (OPRC) are required to establish measures for dealing with pollution inddents, either nationally or in co-operation with other countries. Aims and Objectives of OPRC The number of marine accidents and the resulting oil pollution in the sea was becoming an increasing concern by the late 80s. • Leading industrial nations called for a conference in Paris in 1989 to devise further measures to prevent pollution by oil In the sea. • The IMO Assembly endorsed that cal in the same year and a new Convention was a being drafted to provide a global framework for International co-operation in combating major oil pollution incidents. The International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness Response and Co-operation (OPRC) was adopted in Nov 1990 and entered into force in May 1995. The OPRC establishes measures to deal with marine pollution by oil both nationally and in co-operation with other countries. • The main objective of the OPRC Convention is to improve the national ability to deal with an oil spill. The Convention requires that the party States elther individually or Jointly shall be prepared for and respond to oil spill incidents. It ensures that each country Implemerits a quick response emergency plan to deal with a spill and also makes way for International co- operation in dealing with marine pollution Incidents. Each State which is party to the Convention is required to set a National Cơntingency Plan (NCP) and appoint a National Competent Authority (NCA). • Oll spil equipment stock-piles must be maintained and preparedness exercises held, Party States should respond to other countries requests for assistance and report to neighbouring countries in an emergency response situation. Application: The Convention applies to: • Any type of vessel operating in the marine environment induding hydrofoil boats, air cushioned vehides, submersibles and Noating craft • shore installations whether fiked or loating or structures engaged in gas or oil explorațion, production, loading or unloading • Sea ports and other ol handling facilities like oil terminals, pipelines, etc. This Convention is not directly applicable to warships, naval auxiliary or ship owned or operated by a Stale and used only for government non-commercial service.
87. Materials used for shipbuilding?
Ans: (Mild steel for hull structure and Aluminum for the superstructure. Recent varieties of steel other than mild steel: For ships operating in polar waters, PC class 5 and PC class 7 steel, which enhance the ice-breaking capability. we also use notch-tough, high tensile steels as per our requirements.)
Ans: There are four grades of steel in common use, Specified by the classification societies as grades A, B, D, and E depending largely upon their degree of notch toughness. Grade A has the least resistance to brittle Fracture whilst grade E is termed ‘extra notch tough'. Grade D has sufficient resistances to cracks for it to be used extensively for the main structural material. The disposition of the grade in any ship depends upon the thickness of the material, the part of the ship under consideration and the stress to which it may be subject.
For instance, the bottom shell plating of a ship within the midship portion of the ship will have the following grade requirements. Plate thickness Grade of steel Up to 20.5 mm A, 20.5 to 25.5 mm B, 25.5mm to 40 mm D, Above 40 mm E.
The tensile strength of the different grades remains constant at between 400MN/m2. The difference; lies in the chemical composition which improve the impact strength of D and E steels. Impact resistance is measured by means of a Charpy test in which specimens may be tested at a variety of temperatures.
The following table shows the minimum value required by Lloyd’s register. Type of steel Temperature Impact resistance B 00c 27 joules D 00c 27 joules E -400c 27 joules Higher tensile steel As oil tankers and bulk carriers increased in size the thickness of steel required for the main longitudinal strength members also increased. In an attempt to reduce the thickness of the material and hence reduce the light displacement of the ship, classification societies accept the use of steel of higher tensile strength.
These steels are designed AH, BH, DH and EH and may be used to replace the normal grade for any maybe 30 mm in thickness of grade DH steel. The tensile strength is increased to between 490MN/m2 and 620MN/m2, having the same percentage elongation as the low carbon steel. Thus it is possible to form a structure combining low carbon steel with the more expensive, but thinner higher tensile steel. The latter is used where it is most effective i.e., for upper deck plating and longitudinal, and bottom shell plating and longitudinal. Care must be taken in the design to ensure that the hull has an acceptable standard of stiffness, otherwise, the deflection of the ship may become excessive. Welding must be carried out using preheating. Subsequent repairs must be carried out using the same type of steel and electrodes. It is a considerable advantage if the ship carries spare electrodes, Whilst a plan of the ship should be available showing the extent of the material together with its specification. Arctic D steel If part of the structure of a ship is liable to be subject to particularly low temperature, Then the normal grade of steel is not suitable A special type of steel, Know as Arctic D, has been developed for this purpose. It has a higher tensile strength than normal mild steel, But its most important quality is its ability to absorb a minimum of 40 j at -550c in a Charpy impact test using a standard specimen.
88. Load line survey preparation?
Ans: The execution of the annual load line inspection may be classified into the following heads for convenience:
Physically checking the freeboards as per the certificate.
Checking Items coming under the weathertight integrity of the freeboard deck.
Checking of items falling under the weathertight integrity of the accommodation decks. Checking the items falling under the protection of the crew.
Checking at random the Loadicator to verify if the data is as per the approved stability booklet.
Scuppers and/or freeing ports on the main or freeboard deck. If docked in drydock the inspection of storm valves.
The items for weather-tight integrity are the various air pipes and their non-return blocking devices, the integrity of the weathertight doors, closing devices for sounding pipes, and closing devices for ventilators on the deck.
Protection of the crew items are all the shipside stanchions and railings on the decks and/ or bulwarks. The companionways, steps and their handrails leading from the main deck to the accommodation decks, anti-skid devices attached or welded on the main decks and other decks, The accommodation ladder leading the shore, and the MOT gangway. In tankers the condition of the catwalk and the various oil spill save-all trays.
All the ships must be issued with a load line certificate. Under load line convention. load line certificate has validity for 5 years. issued by administration or class which has been authorised to assign load line. requirement of the Load line survey is to check/ confirm water integrity of all openings on deck(every year). Periodical load line inspection +/- 3months window period). Surveys:- A ship will be subjected to the following surveys:-
a. initial survey before the ship is put into service.
b. renewal survey at intervals not exceeding five years.
c. annual survey within 3 months either way of the anniversary date of the certificate.
The surveyor will endorse the load line certificate on satisfying completion of the annual survey. The period of validity of the load line certificate may be extended for a period not exceeding 3 months or the purpose of allowing the ship to complete its voyage to the port in which it is to be surveyed.
survey requirements:-
a. Assessment of hull condition.
b. all access openings at the ends of enclosed superstructure to be checked.
c. all cargo hatches and access hatched to check for water tightness security cleats and wedges to function properly.
d. all machinery spaces opening on the freeboard deck to check. Manholes, ventilation openings and air pipe closing arrangements to inspect.
e. Deck line, load line marks and draught mark to check.
Preparation of load line survey:-
a. check that all access openings at the ends of the enclosed structure are in good condition. All dogs, clams and hinges to be free and well greases. All gaskets & watertight seals must be crack free. ensure that the door opens from both sides.
b. Check all cargo hatches and access to holds for water tightness.
c. Check the efficiency and securing of portable beams.
d. If portable wooden hatch covers are used, check that they are in good condition.
e. if tarpaulin is used, at least two should be provided for each hatch and in good condition.
f. Inspect all machinery space openings on the exposed deck.
g. check that any manholes and flush scuttle are capable of being made watertight.
h. check that all ventilation openings are provided with efficient weathertight closing appliances.
i. all air pipes should be provided with satisfactory means for closing and opening.
j. Inspect any cargo ports below the freeboard deck and ensure that all of them are watertight.
k. ensure that non-return valves on overboard valves are operating in a satisfactory manner.
l. side scuttles and openings below the freeboard deck must have efficient internal watertight headlights.
m. check that all freeing ports are in satisfactory condition.
n. all guard rails and bulwarks should be in satisfactory condition. o. de-rust and paint the deck line, load line mark, load line and draught mark. p. check load line certificate.
89. Structure of IMO?
Ans:- The Organization consists of an Assembly, a Council and five main Committees: the Maritime Safety Committee; the Marine Environment Protection Committee; the Legal Committee; the Technical Cooperation Committee and the Facilitation Committee and a number of Sub-Committees support the work of the main technical committees. Assembly:- This is the highest Governing Body of the Organization. It consists of all Member States and it meets once every two years in regular sessions, but may also meet in an extraordinary session if necessary. The Assembly is responsible for approving the work programme, voting the budget and determining the financial arrangements of the Organization. The Assembly also elects the Council. Council:- The Council is elected by the Assembly for two-year terms beginning after each regular session of the Assembly. The Council is the Executive Organ of IMO and is responsible, under the Assembly, for supervising the work of the Organization. Between sessions of the Assembly, the Council performs all the functions of the Assembly, except the function of making recommendations to Governments on maritime safety and pollution prevention which is reserved for the Assembly.
Other functions of the Council are to:
(a) coordinate the activities of the organs of the Organization;
(b) consider the draft work programme and budget estimates of the Organization and submit them to the Assembly;
(c) receive reports and proposals of the Committees and other organs and submit them to the Assembly and the Member States, with comments and recommendations as appropriate;
(d) appoint the Secretary-General, subject to the approval of the Assembly;
(e) enter into agreements or arrangements concerning the relationship of the Organization with other organizations, subject to approval by the Assembly.
Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) The MSC is the highest technical body of the Organization. It consists of all Member States. The functions of the Maritime Safety Committee are to "consider any matter within the scope of the Organization concerned with aids to navigation, construction and equipment of vessels, manning from a safety standpoint, rules for the prevention of collisions, handling of dangerous cargoes, maritime safety procedures and requirements, hydrographic information, log-books and navigational records, marine casualty investigations, salvage and rescue and any other matters directly affecting maritime safety".
The Committee is also required to provide machinery for performing any duties assigned to it by the IMO Convention or any duty within its scope of work which may be assigned to it by or under any international instrument and accepted by the Organization. It also has the responsibility for considering and submitting recommendations and guidelines on safety for possible adoption by the Assembly.
The expanded MSC adopts amendments to conventions such as SOLAS and includes all Member States as well as those countries which are Party to conventions such as SOLAS even if they are not the IMO Member States. The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) The MEPC, which consists of all Member States, is empowered to consider any matter within the scope of the Organization concerned with prevention and control of pollution from ships. In particular, it is concerned with the adoption and amendment of conventions and other regulations and measures to ensure their enforcement.
The MEPC was first established as a subsidiary body of the Assembly and raised to full constitutional status in 1985. Sub-Committees The MSC and MEPC are assisted in their work by a number of sub-committees which are also open to all Member States: Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW); Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III); Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR); Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR); Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC); Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE); and Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC).
Legal Committee:
The Legal Committee is empowered to deal with any legal matters within the scope of the Organization. The Committee consists of all Member States of IMO. It was established in 1967 as a subsidiary body to deal with legal questions which arose in the aftermath of the Torrey Canyon disaster. The Legal Committee is also empowered to perform any duties within its scope which may be assigned by or under any other international instrument and accepted by the Organization.
Technical Cooperation Committee:
The Technical Cooperation Committee is required to consider any matter within the scope of the Organization concerned with the implementation of technical cooperation projects for which the Organization acts as the executing or cooperating agency and any other matters related to the Organization's activities in the technical cooperation field. The Technical Cooperation Committee consists of all Member States of IMO, was established in 1969 as a subsidiary body of the Council, and was institutionalized by means of an amendment to the IMO Convention which entered into force in 1984.
Facilitation Committee:
The Facilitation Committee was established as a subsidiary body of the Council in May 1972 and became fully institutionalized in December 2008 as a result of an amendment to the IMO Convention. It consists of all the Member States of the Organization and deals with IMO's work in eliminating unnecessary formalities and "red tape" in international shipping by implementing all aspects of the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic 1965 and any matter within the scope of the Organization concerned with the facilitation of international maritime traffic. In particular in recent years the Committee's work, in accordance with the wishes of the Assembly, has been to ensure that the right balance is struck between maritime security and the facilitation of international maritime trade.
The Secretariat of IMO consists of the Secretary-General and some 300 international personnel based at the headquarters of the Organization in London.
90. Entries of ORB with codes and who all sing on it?
Ans:- Usage of code C.11: Collection of oil residues (sludge).
Usage of code C.12: Disposal or Transfer of oil residues (sludge).
Usage of code D: Non-automatic starting of discharge overboard, transfer or disposal otherwise of bilge water which has accumulated in machinery spaces.
Usage of code E: Automatic starting of discharge overboard, transfer or disposal otherwise of bilge water which has accumulated in machinery spaces.
Usage of code F: Condition of oil filtering equipment.
Usage of code G: Accidental or other exceptional discharges of oil.
Usage of code H: Bunkering of fuel or bulk lubricating oil.
Usage of code I: Additional operational procedures and general remarks.
This guidance only includes sections C to I.
1. Operations should be recorded in chronological order as they have been executed on board.
2. Dates should be entered in dd/mm/yyyy format, e.g. 16-MAR-2009.
3. Incineration or landing ashore of oily garbage and used filters should be recorded in the Garbage Record Book only.
4. All Entries are to be made and signed by the officer or officers in charge of the operations concerned and each completed page shall be signed by the master of the ship.
5. Do not leave any full lines empty between successive entries.
6. If a wrong entry has been recorded in the Oil Record Book (ORB), it should immediately be struck through with a single line in such a way that the wrong entry is still legible. The wrong entry should be signed and dated, with the new corrected entry following.
7. Tank nomenclature should be recorded as per the format noted within the International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOPPC).
8. Recording of quantities retained in bilge water holding tanks listed under section 3.3 of the IOPPC is voluntary and not required by the Convention.
9. The recording of general maintenance of items pertaining to the OWS remains voluntary and is not required to be recorded in the ORB.
91 Types of foams?
Ans: (a) Protein form (hydrolysed protein) - low cost but slow flow. Decomposition of protein such as loaf, horn-meal, chicken feathers, blood and mineral salts.
(b) Fluoro protein foam:- it is the cheapest of all and general-purpose foam, a compound of fluorine added to improve flow, flame resistance, super sealing and extinguishing properties.
(c) Synthetic foam - a mixture of water-soluble surface-active agents desired from hydrocarbons ( fluorocarbons with additional stabilisers) it has a batter flow and same expansion as protein foam but a poor flame resistance and have a tendency to mix with the fuel.
(d) Fluorochemical foam( Aqueous film forming foam), AFF- It is produced from a combination of fluorocarbon surfactants and stabilizers. They produce more fluid than protein and fluoro-protein foam, Fast drainage rate. Liquid draining out floats on the fuel surface as "light water" have an effective sealing capacity, have reasonable burn-back resistance. do not provide long term vapour suppression. Do not have good chemical resistance. Low surface tension, so foam spreads rapidly. suitable for both portable extinguishers and combating major oil tanker fires.
(e) Film-forming Fluro-protein foam (FFFP):- it is a film-forming combination of protein and fluorinated surface-active substances and stabilisers with similar properties as of AFFF but with better knockdown and burn back properties.
(f)Alcohol resistance foam:- A polymer ingredient is added to the foaming agent (protein or fluoro protein) and a stabiliser which form a fuel insoluble membrane at the interface between the liquid and the foam. The separating membrane prevents the destruction of the foam. Various types of synthetic protein foam, as well as AFFF and FFFP type alcohol resistance foams, are available, they are suitable for chemical cargo.
(g) High expansion foam - the expansion ratio is 1000:1 the foaming agent include ammonium lauryl sulphate and sodium dodecylbenzene sulphate. It comprises a fan that forces air through a mesh screen.
92. Types of floors?
Ans: 1. The tanks are divided transversely by watertight floors, which in most ocean-going ships are required to be stiffened vertically to withstand liquid pressure.
2. In ships less than 120m in length the bottom shell and tank top are supported at intervals not more than 3m by transverse plate known as solid floors, extend from centre girder to margin plate, having lightning, air release and drain holes. They are required at every frame space in the machinery room, in the forward quarter length and where heavy loads are experienced.
3. A structure in a transversely framed double bottom where the shell and tank top between the widely-spaced solid floors are stiffened by bulb angles or similar sections running across the ship and attached at the centre line and the margin plate to large flange brackets. Additional support is given to these stiffeners by side girders and intermediate struts which are fitted to reduce the span.
93. Shipboard marine pollution emergency plan for noxious liquid substances?
Ans: 1 Every ship of 150 gross tonnages and above certified to carry noxious liquid substances in bulk shall carry on board a shipboard marine pollution emergency plan for noxious liquid substances approved by the Administration.
2 Such a plan shall be based on the guidelines developed by the Organization and written in a working language or languages understood by the master and officers.
The plan shall consist of at least of:
a. the procedure to be followed by the master or other persons having charge of the ship to report a noxious liquid substances pollution incident, as required in article 8 and Protocol I of the present Convention, based on the Guidelines developed by the Organization;†
b. the list of authorities or persons to be contacted in the event of a noxious liquid substances pollution incident;
c. a detailed description of the action to be taken immediately by persons on board to reduce or control the discharge of noxious liquid substances following the incident; and
d. the procedures and point of contact on the ship for coordinating shipboard action with national and local authorities in combating the pollution.
3 In the case of ships to which regulation 37 of Annex I of the Convention also applies, such a plan may be combined with the shipboard oil pollution emergency plan and the title of such a plan shall be ‘‘Shipboard marine pollution emergency plan’’.
94. What are fire protection Bulkheads and how are they classified.
Ans: The fire protection bulkheads are basically of two types:
(1) A class made of steel combined with a non-combustible fire material and
(2) B class made by non-combustible material only.
A class:- Divisions are those divisions formed by bulkheads and decks which comply with the following criteria:
1. They are constructed of steel or other equivalent materials;
2.They are suitably stiffened;
3. They are insulated with approved non-combustible materials such that the average temperature of the unexposed side will not rise more than 1400c above the original temperature, nor will the temperature, at any one point, including any joint, rise more than 1800c above the original temperature, within the time listed below: Class “A-60” 60min Class “A -30” 30min Class “A-15” 15min Class “A-0” 0 min
4. They are so constructed as to be capable of preventing the passage of smoke and flame to the end of the one-hour standard fire test.
B class:- They are constructed of approved non-combustible materials and all materials used in the construction and erection of “B” class divisions are non-combustible, with the exception that combustible veneers may be permitted provided they meet other appropriate requirements of this chapter; They have an insulation value such that the average temperature of the unexposed side will not rise more than 1400c above the original temperature, nor will the temperature at any one point, including any joint, rise more than 2250c above the original temperature, within the time listed below; Class “B -15” 15min Class “B – 0” 0 min They are so constructed as to be capable of preventing the passage of flame to the end of the first half-hour of the standard fire test
95. Hydrostatic curves?
Ans: Hydrostatic curves:- A series of graphs drawn to a vertical scale of draught and a base of length, which gives values such as the centre of buoyancy, displacement, moment causing unit trim, and centre of flotation. In practice tables with hydrostatic parameters calculated for different draughts are used. However, only by having traditional graphs, it is possible to observe the character of hydrostatic curves and understand ship behaviour.
96. Instantaneous rate of discharge?
Ans: Instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content means the rate of discharge of oil in litres per hour at any instant divided by the speed of the ship in knots at the same instant.
Instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content does not exceed 30 litres per nautical mile; the provided ship is en route and more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest land;
Also, the total quantity of oil discharged into the sea for ships delivered on or before 31st December 1979 is 1/15000 of the total quantity of particular cargo of which the residue formed a part and 1/30000 for tankers delivered after the above-mentioned date.
for sewage that has been stored in holding tanks, or sewage originated from spaces contain living animals shall not be discharged instantaneously but at a moderate rate when the ship is en route with 4 knots speed; the discharge rate shall be approved by Administration.
97. Pounding Arrangements?
Ans: Arrangements to resist pounding:
The structure is strengthened to resist the effect of pounding from the collision bulkhead to 25% of the ship's length from forward. The flat bottom shell plating adjacent to the keel on each side of the ship is increased in thickness by between 15% & 30% depending upon the length of the ship, larger ships having smaller increases. In addition to increasing the plating, the unsupported panels of plating are reduced in size. In transversely framed ships the frame spacing in this region is 700mm compared with 750mm to 900mm amidship. Longitudinal girders are fitted 2.2m apart, extending vertically from the shell to the tank top, while intermediate half-height girders are fitted to the shell, reducing the unsupported to 1.1m. Solid floors are fitted at every frame space and are attached to the bottom shell by continuous welding. If the bottom shell of a ship is longitudinally framed, the spacing of the longitudinal is reduced to 700mm & they are continued as far forward as practicable to the collision bulkhead. The transverse floors may be fitted at alternate frames with this arrangement and the full-height side girders may be fitted 2.1m apart. Half-height girders are not required.
98. Panting Arrangements?
Additional stiffening is provided in the forepeak structure, the transverse side framing being supported by any or a combination of the following arrangements:
(a) Side stringers spaced vertically about 2m apart and supported by struts or beams fitted at alternate frames. These ‘panting beams’ are connected to the frames by brackets and if long may be supported at the ships centre line by a partial wash bulkhead. Intermediate frames are bracketed to the stringer.
(b) Side stringers spaced vertically about 2m apart and supported by web frames.
(c) Perforated flats spaced not more than 2.5m apart. The area of perforations being not less than 10 per cent of the total area of the flat. Aft of the forepeak in the lower hold or deep tank spaces panting stringers are fitted in line with each stringer or perforated flat in the forepeak extending back over 15% of the ship length from forward. These stringers may be omitted if the shell plating thickness is increased by 15% for vessels of 150m length or less decreasing linearly to a 5% increase for vessels of 215 m length or more. However, where the unsupported length of the mainframes exceeds 9m panting stringers in line with alternate stringers or flats in the forepeak are to be fitted over 20% of the ship's length from forward whether the shell thickness is increased or not. Stringers usually take the form of a web plate with a flat facing bar. In tween deck spaces in the forward 15 per cent of the ship's length, intermediate panting stringers are fitted where the unsupported length of tween frame exceeds 2.6m in lower tween decks or 3m in upper tween decks. Alternatively, the shell thickness may be increased as above. In the aft peak space and in deep tween decks above the aft peak similar panting arrangements are required for transverse framing except that the vertical spacing of panting stringers may be up to 2.5m apart. If the forepeak has longitudinal framing and the depth of the tank exceeds 10 m the transverse webs supporting the longitudinals are to be supported by perforated flats or an arrangement of transverse struts or beams.
99. What is the difference between statical and dynamical stability?
Answer: For a ship to be statically stable the initial metacentre M in the upright condition is above G . Its measure is the length GM in the upright condition. Factually speaking the transverse metacentre does not exist at the upright condition. But for small angles of heel up to 60 and as per the mathematical limit theorem the sin of the angle of heel is the same as the angle of heel up to 60°. Hence the initial metacentric height is considered the same up to 60 on either side of the vertical. Dynamical stability is the ability of a ship to return to the original upright condition when made to heel by a passing side swell or squall of wind after they have passed over The measure of dynamic stability is the area under the GZ curve from zero degrees to the angle of heel given in KN meters. The angle of heels has to be considered in radians.
100. What is the difference between statutory certificates and class certificates.
Ans: Statutory certificates means the certificates which by law is required to be carried by the ship in accordance to the various regulations under the various conventions of IMO for which the administration is a signatory. All statutory certificates are issued by the Administration or on behalf of the Administration by recognized bodies Classification societies issue their certificates and reports pertaining to the ship’s machinery and Hull and these certificates are issued mainly for reliability. Based on these certificates, the ship is issued the Cargo ship safety construction certificate which happens to be the link between statutory and class certificates.
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