Q1. (a) Sketch a unit for automatic monitoring and regulation of the fuel viscosity. (b) Describe fuel change over procedures that are followed for switching from distillate fuel to heavy residual oil and vice versa.
Q2. With reference to the large two-stroke engine:
(a) Explain how abnormal and excessive cylinder liner wear is caused, state how it can be detected:
(b) Explain the effects and consequences of excessive cylinder liner wear
(c) Explain how abnormal cylinder liner wear may be prevented.
Q3. A. Sketch and describe a system of control for manoeuvring a main diesel engine from the bridge.
B. Explain how local control may be affected in case of breakdown of the system.
Q4. Misalignment of the main shafting between engine and propeller causes bearing overloads and shaft stress;
A. State the difficulties associated with checking shaft alignment and the reasons why results are unreliable due
to external factors;
B. Explain with a simple sketch how a bearing load is assessed.
C. Explain how uneven loading could be rectified.
Q5. With reference to the crankshaft and running gear of an engine, explain static balance, Dynamic balance,
Torque reaction couple and Critical speed
Q6. A. Explain the term Variable Injection Timing (VIT) when applied to fuel pumps and state why a change in timing of fuel injection may be required.; B. Describe, with the aid of sketches a VIT fuel pump and explain how the change in trimming is achieved whilst the pump is in operation C. Explain how it may be determined that individual fuel pumps are injecting the correct quantity of fuel with the correct timing at a particular pump setting.
Q7. A set of indicator diagrams including drawcards has been taken for the main diesel engine. Examine critically the following if the compression curve is normal i. The maximum pressure is lower; ii. The maximum pressure is higher; iii. The expansion curve is lower; iv. The expansion curve is higher; B. Describe how the faults as mentioned above can be rectified
Q8. During the past 4 months since you have joined the ship as a second engineer, a number of main engine exhaust valves have suffered cracking and corrosion at the seating faces. Write a report to the superintendent covering the following points; A. An explanation detailing how the problem became evident. B. Your action upon recognizing the extent and seriousness of the problem C. Your reasoned views regarding the positive causes of the problem D. Your recommendations to avoid future incidents.
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