Q1. Name various statutory Certificates and Documents to be carried on board Gas Tankers giving reference to the conventions and justify for their requirement.
Q2. As Second Engineer of a new ship, A. prepare standing orders for all future bunkering operations onboard; B. State why it is very important to obtain a representative sample of heavy fuel bunkers taken and state how a representative sample is obtained.
Q3. Draw a plan to deal with fire in Engine Room: A. Including co-ordination with shore facilities in port, taking account of the ship’s fire control plan; B. Explain how drills and practices should be-organized with reference to the above.
Q4. With reference to “ISM Code” write short notes on: A. Objectives of the ISM code. B. Resource and Personnel. C. Masters Authority and Responsibility. D. Functional requirement for a safety management system.
Q5. With respect to Bunkering operation onboard: A. As Second Engineer of a new ship, prepare standing orders for all future bunkering operations onboard; B. State why it is very important to obtain a representative sample of heavy fuel bunkers taken and state how a representative sample is obtained.
Q6. Explain the following terms/statement: A. SEEMP. B. Special Areas as defines in MARPOL 73/78. C. EEDI /EEOI.
Q7. With reference to the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006, discuss the requirements for seafarers regarding; A. Young seafarers onboard ships. B. Repatriation. C. Seafarers Wages.
Q8. With reference to the pump room of an oil tanker describe the following with particular emphasis on safety aspects; (a) Ventilation system. (b) Procedure to be followed for pump room entry. (c) Lighting system.
Q9. With reference to free fall life boat of an ocean-going ships: A. Periodical maintenance, tests and checks on life boat and releasing gear. B. Secondary means of lowering. C. Drills.
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