Solution Naval Numerical 18

Numerical 18: A ship of displacement 10,010 tones has a container of 10t at KG = 7.5m. The container is shifted transversely. A pendulum of length 7.5m defects through 13.5m. GM of ship = 0.76m, KM = 6.7m. Find the distance through which the container shifted. Also find the new KG if the container is removed.
Solution: Given △=10010 t
m = 10t
Kg (KG of container) =7.5m 
Length of pendulum (l) =7.5m 
Deflection (y) =13.5cm 
GM =0.76m 
KM =6.7m 
To find distance of shift of container 
In this case there is no change in KG and final displacement is also the same. 
Let d is the distance to which the container is shifted;
The heeling moment = dxm= d x 10
thus d = 13.693m

To find New KG when the container is removed. 
In this case displacement will change 
thus, Final displacement =10010-10 =10000 t 
KG= KM-GM=6.7-0.76=5.94m 
 Thus, new KG  =  = 5.9384 m
